Health Care

60Plus Calls on New Jersey to Enforce HART – Improve Healthcare Access and Affordability for Seniors

The Rising Cost of Healthcare in New Jersey New Jersey’s senior population is expanding rapidly, intensifying the demand for affordable and accessible healthcare. With nearly 1.6 million residents aged 65 and older, …

Pneumonia vaccines should be more accessible to NC seniors

by Saul Anuzis, President 60 Plus – The American Association of Senior Citizens It’s no secret to anyone over a certain age that your body changes as the years go by. While …

Withdraw the United States from the World Health Organization and De-fund its Operations

There is a stealthy plan afoot to replace our sovereign, constitutional Republic and the freedoms it guarantees all of us. Neither you nor the rest of the American people have been consulted …

Get the Facts About the Steelworkers Union Strike at RJW University Hospital

As we near the eighth week of the strike led by the United Steelworkers Union, it becomes increasingly clear that their conduct is unjustifiable. They have placed patients’ safety in serious jeopardy …

Saul Anuzis: Allowing pharmacies to administer vaccines is smart policy

Though it feels like we have been living under the threat of COVID forever, the three-year federal Public Health Emergency declaration recently came to an end. Yet even as we celebrate this …

Modernizing Medicare

Top policy experts offer Medicare reform solutions for the millions of seniors whose health care depends on America’s fastest growing federal entitlement. In Modernizing Medicare, editors Robert Emmet Moffit and Marie Fishpaw bring together a rare combination …


Biden’s New Medicaid Fiscal Accountability Regulation (MFAR) 2.0 Is Big Government Hypocrisy at Its Worst. MFAR 2.0 Would Raise Taxes, Hurt Jobs, And Harm Poor Seniors. Overview On February 17, 2023, the …

Taxpayers and Seniors shouldn’t get stuck with the bill for poor procurement policies – A Mississippi Example

Mississippi is a warning on how bad procurement policy can cost seniors and taxpayers money when resources are tight. 60 Plus Association, American Association for Senior Citizens, wrote a letter to Brittney …

If You Earned It – You Deserve It. Our Support for 4750/H.R. 8594, the “Restore Protections for Dialysis Patients Act.”

The Honorable Robert MenendezUnited States Senate528 Hart Senate Office BuildingWashington, D.C. 20510 The Honorable Danny DavisU.S. House of Representatives1029 Longworth House Office BuildingWashington, D.C. 20515 The Honorable Bill CassidyUnited States Senate520 Hart …

Medicare needs to eliminate cost sharing for needed vaccines

Seniors deserve protection from infectious disease By Saul Anuzis and Jim Martin – – Monday, November 8, 2021 The Medicare Part D program has been a case study for a successful program that has relied …