Health Care

Seniors Group Supports Measure to Make Congress and Staff Share in Obamacare Train Wreck

Jim Martin, “If Obamacare is as great as the President and Democrats who passed it say it is, then they should be the first to sign up and embrace it!” (Alexandria, Virginia) …

Mike Gallagher Radio: How Obamacare Will Affect 2014 Elections

Nationally syndicated talk show host Mike Gallagher discusses the affect of Obamacare on the 2014 midterm elections. Mike Gallagher Show: How Obamacare Will Affect 2014 Elections (8/15/2013)

Dems Finally See the Light on Death Panel: Seniors Say Time is Now for IPAB Repeal

Panel of bureaucrats would ration healthcare for all, limiting Americans’ right to spend their OWN money on medical care. (Alexandria, Virginia) — Despite failed attempts in the past by Congress to have …

Seniors Group Blasts Terry McAuliffe for False Attacks, Support of Obamacare

Jim Martin, “Terry McAuliffe is a friend to seniors the way sugar is a friend to a car’s gas tank. His track record is a disaster and his policies will only make …

The Doctor Won’t See You Now: Obamacare Delay a Vision of America’s Healthcare Future

Jim Martin, “More than ever Obamacare is clinging to life support.  It’s time for Congress to pull the plug and  defund this Spruce Goose of bureaucratic nightmares once and for all.” (Alexandria, …

Taxpayer dollars wasted on mail order drugs

By Jim Martin and David Williams The Hill June 24, 2013 Health care costs are on the rise and this increase will affect employers, employees and taxpayers through Medicare Part D, the …

Seniors Brace for Tropical Storm ‘Obamacare’

Soon to be Hurricane ‘Obamacare’ when the perfect storm of cost, complexity and regulation hits the ground. (Alexandria, Virginia) — Obamacare promises to wreak continued havoc on Americans’ healthcare with news that …

Mike Gallagher Radio: IRS Targeting Conservative Groups

Nationally syndicated talk show host Mike Gallagher interviews 60 Plus Chairman Jim Martin where the pair discusses the IRS targeting conservative groups and their role in implementing Obamacare. Mike Gallagher Show: IRS …

Turn Your Head and Cough Up the Money: The IRS Taxes and Audits Americans’ Healthcare

Jim Martin: “Obamacare will turn every doctor’s office, every hospital, every adult-care facility into a branch office of the IRS.” (Alexandria, Virginia) — The 60 Plus Association, the nation’s largest conservative seniors …

IRS Target 60 Plus Association: Steve Miller Testimony ‘Shameful’

Jim Martin: “The IRS has ‘customers’ the way the guillotine operator has ‘customers.’” (Alexandria, Virginia) — 60 Plus Association Chairman and Founder Jim Martin issued the following statement today concerning the sworn …