Access to Trauma Care- A Matter of Life and Death For Florida’s Seniors
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), falls are the number one cause of injury death, non-fatal injuries and trauma admissions for seniors ages 65 and older. Falls affect …
Mike Gallagher Radio: Obamacare is Raising Premiums
Nationally syndicated talk show host Mike Gallagher discussed 60 Plus and our fight against Obamacare, which is increasing health insurance premiums. Mike Gallagher Show:Obamacare is Raising Premiums (4/5/2013)
Ryan Budget Proposal a Much Needed Rx to Save the Teetering Medicare Program
Jim Martin: We have ample proof that trillion dollar deficits are not the road to prosperity, but the road to ruin. The Ryan budget plan will save Medicare from the brink, and …
Mike Gallagher Radio: Table Funding for Obamacare
Nationally syndicated talk show host Mike Gallagher discusses tabling funding for Obamacare. [audio:|titles=Mike Gallagher Show: Table Funding for Obamacare (3/8/2013)]
New Obama taxes will torpedo senior health care
Jim Martin Chairman, 60 Plus Association 11:49 AM 03/08/2013 Published via Daily Caller Policy successes in Washington are few and far between these days, so more than ever we pray that our …
Seniors Stand Behind Sen. Ted Cruz’s “Restore Growth First” Amendment
Jim Martin: “Only partially implemented, Obamacare has already proven to be a wrecking ball on our nation’s economy and healthcare system.” (Alexandria, Virginia) – The 60 Plus Association, home to 7.2 million …
Talk is Cheap – But Obama SOTU Costs Americans More with Every Word
60 Plus Chairman Jim Martin: “Another speech of liberal wish-lists, more government, more regulations and no solutions to the problems he’s failed to fix for four years.” (Alexandria, Virginia) – 60 Plus …
Seniors Support Effort to Repeal Obamacare Mandate
Americans prep for ‘sticker shock’ as insurance premiums continue to skyrocket. (Alexandria, Virginia) – 60 Plus Association Chairman and Founder Jim Martin, leader of the nation’s acknowledged conservative alternative to the liberal …
AARP Exposed, Profiting at Expense of Seniors and to Detriment of all Americans
Jim Martin, “It’s time people got over any notion that the AARP is working for the benefit of anything more than their own bottom line and political fiefdom in Washington.” (Alexandria, Virginia) …