Health Care

The Shady Dealings of the AARP

By Pat Boone and Jim Martin For many years, the AARP was a trusted voice of seniors across America.  We believed, and rightly so, they were operating in our best interest, representing …

States Should Reject Obamacare Healthcare Exchanges

Jim Martin, “These half-baked, unfunded mandates are nothing but handcuffs on Governors, and a prison sentence for Americans who want quality, life-saving  healthcare in their home state.” (Alexandria, Virginia) – States should …

In Aftermath of Election, Seniors Remain Committed to the Values that Will Fix America

Jim Martin, “Tuesday’s results gave us a few more gray hairs, but seniors will remain a vocal force in politics, and will continue to sacrifice to make our nation better for future …

Senior Voters Lead Way for Romney/Ryan Victory Today

Jim Martin, “The first senior tsunami came ashore in 2010 and swept over 60 members of Congress out of office.  The second wave is here now and it’s headed right for the …

60 Plus Urges Voters to Defend their Freedoms

Seniors group launches $4.1 million ad campaign in five battleground states ALEXANDRIA, Va. – The 60 Plus Association, nationally recognized as the conservative alternative to the liberal AARP, today launched a new …

Dan Maffei’s Record Challenged in New 60 Plus Ad

ALEXANDRIA, Va. – The 60 Plus Association, nationally recognized as the conservative alternative to the liberal AARP, today launched a new ad campaign in New York’s 24th Congressional District that targets Dan …

Obama-Barber Agenda Hurts Middle Class, Says New 60 Plus Ad

ALEXANDRIA, Va. – The 60 Plus Association, nationally recognized as the conservative alternative to the liberal AARP, today launched a new ad in Arizona’s 2nd Congressional District.  The spot, which is backed …

Pat Boone Urges Florida Seniors In New 60 Plus Ad: Protect Medicare: Vote Romney

ALEXANDRIA, Va. – The 60 Plus Association, nationally recognized as the conservative alternative to the liberal AARP, today launched a $255,000 ad campaign featuring music legend and 60 Plus National Spokesman Pat …

Seniors Overwhelming Support for Romney Could Spell Trouble for Democrats Nationally

Latest NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll shows GOP Challenger besting President by 25 points with seniors.   (Alexandria, Virginia) – Polls continue to show a growing lead for the ticket of Mitt …