Health Care

Departure of Rationing Czar Berwick Brings Cheers, Early Thanks from America’s Seniors

60 Plus Chairman Jim Martin, “The life expectancy of every senior just went up a few ticks.” (Alexandria, Virginia) – Seniors across America have another reason to give thanks as the holiday …

Seniors (but not AARP) Applaud Supreme Court Decision to Hear ObamaCare

“Bureaucrats and politicians in the doctor’s office means only one thing — bad medicine.” (Alexandria, Virginia) – 60 Plus Association Chairman Jim Martin, leader of the largest conservative seniors advocacy group in …

60 Plus Launches New “No Medicare IRS” Ad Targeting Ohio’s Sen. Sherrod Brown

$750,000 campaign begins today ALEXANDRIA, Va. – The 60 Plus Association, nationally recognized as the conservative alternative to the liberal AARP, today launched a new “No Medicare IRS” television advertisement that targets …

60 Plus Launches “No Medicare IRS” Campaign

Conservative senior group introduces website, web video and ad campaign to highlight IPAB concerns for seniors ALEXANDRIA, Va. – The 60 Plus Association, nationally recognized as the conservative alternative to the liberal …

No Surprise: ObamaCare Continues to Push Healthcare Premiums Skyward

60 Plus Jim Martin: “Pulling the plug on health care legislation will be welcome relief to all.” (Alexandria, Virginia) – 60 Plus Association Chairman Jim Martin, leader of the nation’s largest conservative …

Latest AARP Ad Campaign Ignores Past Support of Deep Medicare Cuts

60 Plus Chairman Jim Martin: “Ad is nothing more than political cover for their boss Barack Obama.” (Alexandria, Virginia) – 60 Plus Chairman Jim Martin, leader of the nation’s largest conservative seniors …

60 Plus Monthly Update: Late Summer 2011

In this issue: 60 Plus Takes to the Air with TV Campaign to Save and Preserve Medicare New 60 Plus Web Ad – Forward to Your Friends and Neighbors! Ryan Plan to …

60 Plus Association Applauds 11th Circuit Decision on ObamaCare

Chairman Jim Martin: “Apparent to almost everyone this bad medicine runs counter to our Constitution. (Alexandria, Virginia) – The 60 Plus Association applauds the decision handed down today from the 11th Circuit …

Desperate Pelosi Unleashed Another False Medicare Scare on Seniors

60 Plus Chairman Jim Martin: “Pelosi is the expert on slashing Medicare, which is why she is now Minority Leader Pelosi. (Alexandria, Virginia) – 60 Plus Chairman Jim Martin, leader of the …

Sibelius Short on Answers, IPAB Remains Shrouded in Mystery

60 Plus Chairman Jim Martin: “Only rationale for IPAB is to ration care, it should be axed.” (Alexandria, Virginia) – 60 Plus Chairman Jim Martin, head of the most influential conservative seniors …