Health Care

Seniors Tell President “Hands Off Our Social Security and Medicare”

“Obama proposal yet another assault on America’s seniors.” (Alexandria, Virginia) – 60 Plus Chairman Jim Martin, leader of the most influential conservative seniors advocacy group in the nation with over 7 million …

Only One Plan Reforms Medicare and Protects Seniors

Washington has not been honest with you about Medicare. We can’t afford to do nothing.

FDA Needs To Stop Treating Avastin Patients Like Statistics and Let Them Have a Voice

“This is what life is going to look like under ObamaCare” (Silver Spring, MD) — Today the 60 Plus Association joined Avastin patients, their families and concerned friends in protesting the FDA’s …

Medicare Reform: Guaranteeing Coverage

Medicare is in trouble “Medicare as we know it” is unsustainable; few would argue this point. Official scorekeepers for both the Congressional budget and Medicare agree that the program, as it is …

60 Plus Chairman Debunks Democrat Medi-scare Tactics

Jim Martin: “Democrats so discredited on Medicare, even THEY don’t believe own press releases.” (Washington, DC) – 60 Plus Association Chairman Jim Martin – head of the leading national conservative seniors advocacy …

60 Plus web ad: A promise is a promise

Tell Congress: no more empty promises.

Adapt or Die

By Pat Boone June 2, 2011 for This piece was co-authored by Jim Martin. We are invested in saving Medicare, but we understand the senior health program is shackled by skyrocketing …

Pat Boone: America Needs Leadership Over Politics

“I’m going to lace up my white shoes and spread the news far and wide that this administration is trying to mislead and scare seniors.” ALEXANDRIA, VA. – Pat Boone, national spokesperson …

Reform Medicare Now and Save Healthcare for Future Seniors, Says 60 Plus Chair

“Sniveling Democrats” are “weak, gutless” ALEXANDRIA, VA. – Jim Martin, Chairman of the 60 Plus Association, today issued the following statement in defense of Rep. Paul Ryan’s Medicare-saving reform proposal: “If we …

Seniors Organization Asks UnitedHealth Group to Provide Gout Patients with Colchicine Medications They Were Promised

As part of its “Keep Seniors Safe” project, 60 Plus Association Chairman Jim Martin today sent a letter to Stephen Hemsley, CEO of UnitedHealth Group, asking that United adjust their Part D …