Promises Made…Promises Kept
Seniors Hail President Bush And Congress Medicare Bill Signed Into Law by 60 Plus Association President Jim Martin “The day has arrived…finally…a history-making modernization of Medicare with its long-awaited prescription drug benefit for seniors. President Bush made a campaign promise to deliver a prescription drug benefit for seniors. He kept his promise with today’s bill signing at Constitution Hall.”
Seniors Say: Stop The Delays, Pass The Medicare Prescription Drug Bill
Jim Martin, President of the 60 Plus Association, called on the opponents of the Medicare Prescription Drug Bill to stop their delaying tactics and vote on the bill itself.
60 Plus Members Attend Meeting With President Bush On Medicare Reform
On October 29, there were 33 Grassroots Leaders and members of the 60 Plus Association attended a meeting with President Bush at the Old Executive Office Building next to the White House regarding Medicare Reform.
Seniors Support Freedom Of Choice For Health Care
The 60 Plus Association lauded U.S. Rep. Chris Cox (R-CA) for introducing H.R. 1117, the Health Care Freedom of Choice Act, which will allow 100% tax deductibility for senior citizens’ out-of-pocket health expenses, including pharmaceutical and Medigap premiums.
President Promotes Prescription Drug Benefit Addresses Seniors In White House Ceremony Celebrating Creation Of Medicare In 1965
President Bush met with over 200 senior citizens in the East Room of the White House this afternoon, among them many members of the 60 Plus Association.
Letter To Tommy Thompson
The Honorable Tommy Thompson ,Secretary, Department of Health and Human Services “Dear Tommy:I really appreciated having the opportunity to present you as our honored guest Tuesday night at the 60 Plus Association’s 10th Anniversary dinner where we had an overflow crowd of 252 attendees; our goal was for 200.”
According To The American Hospital Association, 126,000 Nursing Jobs Are Vacant At American Hospitals Right Now
Given the litigious society we live in, Americans in recent years have become all too familiar with the various warnings we receive everyday. “Handle with care,” “keep out of reach of children,” and “don’t try this at home” have entered our lexicon.
Sadly we may soon be seeing another warning label that reads “This medication may be hazardous to your health” on packages of prescription drugs.
Adulterated Pharmaceuticals Pose Huge Risks
Recent radio, TV and newspaper accounts only lend credibility to what the 60 Plus Association has been saying for more than two years now: drugs that enter the United States from outside our borders and without the strict regulation of our Food and Drug Administration cannot be trusted.
Medicare Reform’s Foolhardy Foes
Washington Times, May 1, 2003 article by James L. Martin “Enemies of Medicare modernization are just as adept at psychological warfare as the U.S. military — maybe even more so, since they have more actual field experience.
If there was some good reason, beyond nostalgia, for preventing reform of the creaking health-care system for America’s seniors, their behavior might be understandable. But Medicare is a financial catastrophe and human tragedy in the making. And blocking reform is a sure guarantee that today’s worst-case scenario will become tomorrow’s worst-case reality.”
Alzheimer’s Respite Care…
The 60 Plus Association salutes the U.S. Administration on Aging (AoA) and Assistant Secretary on Aging Josefina G. Carbonell for support in findings released in a new book based on a study of respite care and Alzheimer’s disease.