Health Care

60 Plus Association Endorses Bush’s Prescription Plan For Seniors

James L. Martin, President of the 60 Plus Association, hailed President George W. Bush’s prescription drug benefit proposal “as fulfilling a campaign promise that senior citizens will receive a benefit which will help them meet the high costs of prescription drugs.

Statement By The 60 Plus Association On Availability Of The Drug Synthroid

The 60 Plus Association represents half a million senior citizens nation wide. We have been concerned over efforts to remove the drug Synthroid, a thyroid medication from the market. We strongly oppose these efforts and urge keeping Synthroid on the market.

Seniors Group Endorses Bush Prescription Drug Plan

The 60 Plus Association strongly endorsed Governor George W. Bush’s plan unveiled today to provide seniors with prescription drug and other improved benefits and criticized Gore for his seven year silence.

Statement Of Jim Martin, President, 60 Plus Association On Importation Of Prescription Drugs

The 60 Plus Association is very concerned with recent amendments to the FY2001 Agriculture Appropriations bill that would allow pharmacies and wholesalers to purchase prescription drugs outside the United States and then import them into this country for sale.