Health Care

We can help rural seniors and veterans by keeping the 340B drug pricing program

(Alexandria, VA) November 4, 2017 Today there is much talk about the state of health care in America. Everything from repealing Obamacare to dealing with the opioid epidemic seems to be on …

60 Plus Calls on Congress to Stop the Obamacare Health Insurance Tax on Seniors

Top Voice For Seniors Alerts Florida Seniors on Tax Hike ALEXANDRIA, VIRGINIA (October 20, 2017) – 60 Plus Founder and Chairman James Martin Friday issued the following statement in reference to a …

Medical Malpractice “Reform”: Encroachment On Essential Liberties

Medical Malpractice “Reform”: Encroachment On Essential Liberties | The Daily Caller By Jim Martin, Chairman of 60 Plus Association More than 30 States already have some form of cap on damages in …

“60 Plus joins coalition to oppose Senator Warren’s tone deaf attack on hearing aids.”

By Gayle Trotter, contributor – 05/01/17 07:00 PM EDT With Donald Trump’s victory last November, and a number of regulatory rollbacks made by the young administration, conservatives have the impression that the …

American Health Care Act Threatens Seniors’ Medical Care

60-Plus Association Chairman and Founder James Martin Calls on GOP to Keep Promises on Medicare Funding ALEXANDRIA, Virginia (March 16, 2017) – The effort to repeal and replace Obamacare is long overdue, and …

ICYMI: Republicans can save Medicare, again an Op-Ed by Chairman Jim Martin

Democrats like to talk about saving Medicare and healthcare access for seniors from greedy Republicans even as they support policies that decimate the program and make it ever more difficult for seniors …

ICYMI: Senator Charles Schumer’s fake ‘War on Seniors’ an Op-Ed by Chairman Jim Martin

New York Sen. Charles Schumer is a desperate man. Now that he’s taken over a group of skittish Senate Democrats, he and they are terrified about their prospects in the first mid-term election of …

60 Plus Association Chairman Demands Apology from AARP and Liberals for Obamacare Ills

“The truth is clear: Democrats and their allied groups such as AARP lied to the American people and owe them an apology. We must repeal Obamacare.” 60 Plus Association Chairman and Founder …

Urge the Southern Nevada Health District to approve adequate trauma care

As an organization that advocates for free-market solutions to senior issues, we believe our health care system serves seniors best when the free market is allowed to work — increasing choice and …

Trauma Care is Essential to Caring for an Aging Population

Nevada’s aging population continues to grow and the state’s ability to meet their needs is even more important.  In fact, Nevada has one of the fastest growing senior populations in the country. …