60 Plus Exposing the Fraud, Waste and Corruption of Failed Obamacare Exchanges
Failed Obamacare exchanges are a major scandal that requires immediate Congressional action. The state co-op exchanges were meant to be a flagship feature of Obamacare’s promise to deliver healthcare reform to America, …
Obama Ignores Will of the People, Affirms Disastrous Obamacare Law with Veto
“Quiet veto a far cry from hoopla and fanfare surrounding original signing of the law, demonstrating that even Obama himself knows this law is a turkey.” (Alexandria, Virginia) — The non-partisan 60 …
60 Plus Statement in Support of House Reconciliation
“This Reconciliation Bill will cripple Obamacare the way Obamacare has crippled the healthcare of seniors and their families.” (Alexandria, Virginia) — The non-partisan 60 Plus Association, America’s largest free-market seniors advocacy organization, …
Seniors Group Endorses Food Labeling Legislation
H.R. 1599 Supported by more than 400 organizations nationally with wide bi-partisan support. (Alexandria, Virginia) — The non-partisan 60 Plus Association, America’s largest free-market seniors advocacy organization, with over 7.2 million supporters, …
21st Century Cures Bill a Welcome Prescription for America’s Seniors
Legislation fosters innovation that leads to real, lasting solutions to seniors’ healthcare needs. (Alexandria, Virginia) – The 60 Plus Association, America’s leading center-right seniors advocacy organization with over 7.2 million supporters nationally, …
Statement from 60 Plus Association on Supreme Court King v. Burwell Decision
Jim Martin: Today’s Supreme Court ruling does not make Obamacare costs go down, it does not lower skyrocketing premiums, it does not add more doctors, undo the torpedoing of Medicare or …
60 Plus Warns Seniors of Dangerous Healthcare Legislation in Texas
Jim Martin: “If these bills pass, it could risk the safety and eyesight of Texas seniors, their children, and their grandchildren.” ALEXANDRIA, VA – The 60 Plus Association, the nation’s leading conservative …
Seniors Group Stands Behind Dumping the Doc Fix
(Alexandria, Virginia) — The 60 Plus Association, America’s largest center-right seniors group with over 7.2 million supporters, today endorsed bi-partisan congressional legislation introduced this week to reform and strengthen Medicare by eliminating …
60 Plus Calls For Investigation Into Cover Oregon Debacle
On behalf of 7.2 million senior supporters across the country, 60 Plus sent letters to Rep. Chaffetz, Rep. Paul Ryan, Rep. Fred Upton, and Sen. Hatch calling on their Committees to investigate …