Health Care

Seniors Were Right: “Democrats Are Taking Away Our Doctors”

Jim Martin: “Obamacare asks, ‘Will the last doctor to leave please turn off the lights on the way out?’” (Alexandria, Virginia) — Seniors’ concerns that Obamacare would take away their Medicare, steal …

Would You Buy a Used Healthcare Plan From This Man? Seniors Don’t Trust a Word Obama Says

Jim Martin: “The President continues to lie about his disastrous healthcare reform. As seniors lose their doctors in droves they remain as opposed as ever.” (Alexandria, Virginia) — Despite the national embarrassment …

Obamacare Failure Highlights Extremism of Obama’s Agenda

Jim Martin: “Only an extreme and radical plan could cause nearly half a million people to lose their healthcare plans overnight, or spend $684 million for a website that doesn’t work.” (Alexandria, …

Seniors Stand with Sen. Ted Cruz

Jim Martin: “It’s time EVERYBODY got an exemption from Obamacare.” (Alexandria, Virginia) — The 60 Plus Association, the nation’s largest conservative seniors organization and acknowledged alternative to the liberal AARP, today issued …

Pull the Plug: America’s Seniors Endorse Budget With No Obamacare

Jim Martin, “The charade of Obamacare is over. This toxic, destructive and dishonest law should not receive one dime of the peoples’ money.” (Alexandria, Virginia) — The 60 Plus Association, the nation’s …

No Washington Exemption: Equal Treatment for All

Just as Congress was going into its August Recess, the Administration – directed by President Obama, at the urging of congressional leaders – quietly announced it is creating a special exemption from …

Bipartisan Petition For A Timeout On Health Reform

Some people want the health care law repealed, some want it fixed or expanded, and some want it implemented just as it was written. But all of us agree that the law …

Medical Devices Tax Killing Jobs, Destroying Future Innovation

Jim Martin, “Congress must take bi-partisan action now to kill the bedpan tax. Doing so will save jobs now, and preserve critical medical advancements that will save lives in the future.” (Alexandria, …

$9 Million HHS Campaign to Promote Obamacare a Bridge to Nowhere

Jim Martin, “Ads to sell people on Obamacare when the program isn’t even up and running is taxpayer money spent on a hoax.” (Alexandria, Virginia) — The 60 Plus Association, the nation’s …

Paying Off Unions Just Another ‘Glitch’ to Fix Under Obamacare

(Alexandria, Virginia) — The 60 Plus Association, the nation’s largest conservative seniors organization and acknowledged alternative to the liberal AARP, today agreed with labor union bosses demanding that President Obama go ‘back …