Kevin Brady Earns Benjamin Franklin Award
Vows repeal of “Death Tax” Alexandria, VA – Representative Brady has been recognized with a national senior citizen’s award for promising to vote for repeal of the “death tax,” last imposed in …
60 Plus Calls For Investigation Into Cover Oregon Debacle
On behalf of 7.2 million senior supporters across the country, 60 Plus sent letters to Rep. Chaffetz, Rep. Paul Ryan, Rep. Fred Upton, and Sen. Hatch calling on their Committees to investigate …
Florida Bill Would Protect Seniors from EPA Overreach
(Alexandria, Virginia) – The 60 Plus Association, a nonpartisan senior’s advocacy group with more than 800,000 senior supporters in Florida, called on the Florida House Energy and Utilities Subcommittee today to approve …
Bi-Partisan Bill to Kill the Death Tax Has Strong Support from Seniors
(Alexandria, Virginia) — The 60 Plus Association, America’s largest center-right seniors group with over 7.2 million supporters, today cheered a new bill proposed today to kill the federal death tax. Titled the …
FCC Net Neutrality Ruling Will Result in Net Neutering for Seniors
Americans can expect more expensive internet for slower, less reliable service. (Alexandria, Virginia) — This morning the 60 Plus Association, the nation’s largest center-right seniors group with more than 7.2 million senior …
CPAC Panel: The Conservative Replacement to Obamacare–Points to Remember
Moderator: Amy Frederick, 60 Plus Association Senator John Barrasso (R-WY) Rep. Marsha Blackburn (TN-7) Jim Capretta, Ethics and Public Policy Center Important Points to Remember Obamacare has always been unpopular, never receiving …
Seniors Appreciate Internet Safety Spurred by TAG Brand Integrity Program Against Piracy
Jim Martin, “Sometimes important innovations in our lives are not the glitzy, glamorous events that grab media headlines, such as the TAG initiative” (Alexandria, Virginia) — The 60 Plus Association, America’s largest …
Seniors Group Gives Enthusiastic Endorsement to Internet Tax Freedom Forever Act
(Alexandria, Virginia) — The 60 Plus Association, America’s largest center-right seniors group with over 7.2 million supporters, today gave a rousing endorsement to the Internet Tax Freedom Forever Act (ITFFA), which seeks …
Seniors Support Keystone Pipeline Act
Keystone will provide America much needed jobs and energy, and help lessen the critical impact of unstable energy prices on our nation’s elderly. (Alexandria, Virginia) — The 60 Plus Association, America’s largest …