
Senior Voice: Fall 2012

Read our Fall 2012 issue of SENIOR VOICE here. Featuring news articles: -60 Plus Takes to the Air with TV Campaign to Save and Preserve Medicare -Ryan Plan to Fix Medicare: Point …

60 Plus Announces 2nd Leg of Healthcare Freedom Bus Tour

Chairman Jim Martin and 60 Plus Spokesman Pat Boone: “In the aftermath of the Supreme Court decision in June, we’re taking the case for the future of America’s healthcare to a higher …

Wisconsin Seniors Tell Baldwin to Take the State’s Lead and Stop the Wasteful Spending

60 Plus Association launches $535,000 ad campaign in Badger State ALEXANDRIA, Va. – Wisconsin seniors told Rep. Tammy Baldwin to follow Wisconsin’s lead and stop the wasteful spending in a new 60 …

Pat Boone Challenges Tester on Health Care Reform’s IPAB in New Ad

60 Plus backs ad with $252,000 statewide buy HELENA, Mont. – The 60 Plus Association today launched a new ad campaign that targets Montana Senator Jon Tester on his support for health …

Obama Medicare Ad Neglects to Mention $716 Billion Cut, Failure to Act

Jim Martin, “Obama denies cuts?  Nancy Pelosi herself crowed about half a trillion dollar cut to Medicare.” (Alexandria, Virginia) – The Obama campaign has a new TV ad out today to help …

Romney/Ryan Plan to Save Medicare Has Obama in Spin Mode on Campaign Trail

Jim Martin: “The President’s approach to Medicare means deep cuts hurting seniors and tax hikes hurting workers.” (Alexandria, Virginia) – The 2012 presidential contest is drawing a stark contrast between the candidates …

Pat Boone Challenges Senators Nelson and Brown on IPAB and Medicare Spending in 60 Plus Ads

The 60 Plus Association today launched a television ad campaign in Florida and Ohio, challenging Senators Bill Nelson and Sherrod Brown on the Independent Payment Advisory Board and their irresponsible cuts to Medicare.  The 30-second ads feature music legend and 60 Plus spokesman Pat Boone.

Pat Boone Challenges Senator Brown on IPAB and Medicare Spending in 60 Plus Ad

The 60 Plus Association today launched a television ad campaign in Ohio, challenging Senator Brown on the Independent Payment Advisory Board and his irresponsible cuts to Medicare.  The 30-second ad features music legend and 60 Plus spokesman Pat Boone.

Pat Boone Challenges Senator Nelson on IPAB and Medicare Spending in 60 Plus Ad

The 60 Plus Association today launched a television ad campaign in Florida, challenging Senator Nelson on the Independent Payment Advisory Board and his irresponsible cuts to Medicare.  The 30-second ad features music legend and 60 Plus spokesman Pat Boone.

Jim Martin: Older Americans Need Not Fear Paul Ryan

Seniors have nothing to fear from vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan’s plan to reform Medicare because it won’t affect their standards of living, Jim Martin, chairman of the 60-Plus Association, tells Newsmax.TV.