Democrats Celebrate 10 Years of Blocking Energy Exploration
Seniors leader offers Democrats ANWR v. Algae challenge: “We can get oil out of ANWR before you can get oil from algae,” says 60 Plus Chairman Jim Martin. (Alexandria, Virginia) – More …
Survey Says: Obamacare Failing
Jim Martin: “Any politician who keeps faith with this health care has lost all credibility.” (Alexandria, Virginia) – Attention in Washington continues to build around a report issued last month, the annual …
Democrats Vote to Tax the Hand that Feeds Them
Jim Martin: “Instead of staging events for the DNC, how about actually passing a budget?” (Alexandria, Virginia) – Senate Democrats lost a vote but gained a campaign stunt in their attempt to …
Secretary Sibelius: Americans Who Pay your Salary are Not ‘the Enemy’
Jim Martin: “Most Americans oppose Obmacare, are a majority of Americans ‘the enemy’?” (Alexandria, Virginia) – Appearing before Al Sharpton’s American Action Network last week, Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sibelius …
America Crack Open Your Piggy Banks – Obamacare Costs Revealed
60 Plus’s Jim Martin: “Can the FTC investigate a President for serial false advertising?” (Alexandria, Virginia) – Another promise from Obamacare bites the dust with the release of a new report that …
India Decision Could Have Devastating Impact on Seniors’ Medicine
Compulsory drug patents undermine progress in new medicines, harm the sick, and kill our economic engine. (Alexandria, VA) — The 60 Plus Association announced today its opposition, in the strongest of terms, …
Stop Lying to the Elderly
(Alexandria, Virginia) – 60 Plus Chairman Jim Martin, leader of the nation’s largest conservative seniors organization with over 7.1 million senior supporters, today lashed back at President Obama for comments he made …
FTC Ruling Harms Seniors
Pharmacy Benefit Manager (PBM) Merger Will Mean Higher Prices, Fewer Pharmacy Choices (Alexandria, VA) — The 60 Plus Association (60 Plus) announced today that it strongly disagrees with the Federal Trade Commission’s …
Rep. McKinley Off-base with Ryan Budget Medicare Comments
(Alexandria, Virginia) — U.S. Representative David McKinley (R-WV) received a scolding today from 60 Plus Chairman Jim Martin, leader of the nation’s largest conservative seniors organization with over 7.1 million senior supporters, …
Obama Budget Unites Congress, Bi-partisan Vote Defeats it 414-0
60 Plus Jim Martin, “Will one Democrat willing to support his President please stand up?“ (Alexandria, Virginia) — The U.S. House of Representatives cast several budget votes late yesterday, including the budget …