
Affordable Power Alliance petitions EPA for Environmental Justice Analysis

NEWS RELEASE Contact: Niger Innis (702) 633-4464 DATE: August 8, 2011                                                                                                               FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE *** The Affordable Power Alliance petitions EPA to perform an Environmental Justice (EJ) Analysis Examining increased Electricity …

Editorial: Stop EPA from killing coal

New restrictions on coal-fired power plants will be a hard hit to the economy The Detroit News June 23, 2011 The Environmental Protection Agency’s crusade against coal-fired power plants is on a …

The President Should Be Saluting Our Seniors and Soldiers Scaring Them is Dereliction of Duty

(Alexandria, Virginia) – 60 Plus Association Chairman Jim Martin today released a web video chastising President Obama and Senator Harry Reid (D-NV) for using the debt-limit crisis to scare seniors and soldiers …

The Myth of Killer Mercury

Panicking people about fish is no way to protect public health. By WILLIE SOON AND PAUL DRIESSEN for the Wall Street Journal May 25, 2011 The Environmental Protection Agency recently issued 946 …

60 Plus Urges House: Pass the Boehner Plan

60 Plus Chairman Jim Martin: “Boehner plan moves nation in right direction. Get ‘er done!” (Alexandria, Virginia) – 60 Plus Chairman Jim Martin, leader of the most prominent conservative seniors advocacy group …

Desperate Pelosi Unleashed Another False Medicare Scare on Seniors

60 Plus Chairman Jim Martin: “Pelosi is the expert on slashing Medicare, which is why she is now Minority Leader Pelosi. (Alexandria, Virginia) – 60 Plus Chairman Jim Martin, leader of the …

60 Plus Chairman Denounces Senate Democrats’ Rejection of Debt Limit Solution

(Washington, DC) – In spite of the will of 2/3 of America’s citizens (CNN poll 7/21/11) supporting CUTTING the national debt, CAPPING the deficit that is now the largest since World War …

What Republicans should do next

by: Lew Uhler and Jim Martin The Daily Caller July 22, 2011 Republicans framed the debt limit issue properly with “Cut, Cap and Balance,” which died today in the Senate. Now, they …

President Holding Seniors Hostage in Debt Debate

60 Plus Chairman Jim Martin: “Shame on him for scaring seniors to for political advantage.” (Alexandria, Virginia) – 60 Plus Chairman Jim Martin, leader of the largest conservative seniors advocacy group in …

Sibelius Short on Answers, IPAB Remains Shrouded in Mystery

60 Plus Chairman Jim Martin: “Only rationale for IPAB is to ration care, it should be axed.” (Alexandria, Virginia) – 60 Plus Chairman Jim Martin, head of the most influential conservative seniors …