Key to Saving Medicare Lies with Young and Old Alike
By James L. Martin and Amy Noone Frederick Health Reform Report February 17, 2011 Nancy Pelosi may not have known what was in Obamacare until it passed, but one thing everyone did …
Congress Must Halt Travesty Against Breast Cancer Patients
by James L. Martin More than 17,000 women with late-stage breast cancer rely on a drug called Avastin to extend and save their lives. But the drug may be taken away as …
Democrats Double Down on Disaster–Reject Chance to Pull Plug on ObamaCare and Start Over
Statement from 60 Plus Chairman Jim Martin on failed ObamaCare repeal effort in the U.S. Senate. (Alexandria, Virginia) — 60 Plus Association Chairman Jim Martin — leader of the largest and most …
ObamaCare Ruled Unhealthy, Judge Orders New Prescription
(Alexandria, Virginia) – 60 Plus Association Chairman Jim Martin — leader of the largest and most influential conservative seniors advocacy group — issued the following statement this morning in reaction to a …
Today’s Vote to Repeal Obamacare: A Healthy Prescription For Bad Medicine
Statement by 60 Plus Chairman Jim Martin On behalf of the elderly and other soon to be seniors, and to all other over-taxed and over-regulated Americans, the 60 Plus Association, with more …
Democrats Care, Except When They Don’t
by Niger Innis and Amy Frederick Washington Times January 5, 2011 The Obama administration still hasn’t gotten the message voters sent on Nov. 2. The lame-duck 111th Congress didn’t enact the …
60 Plus Blasts FDA Decision
Rationing of Cancer Drugs Begins in Earnest Alexandria, Virginia – Jim Martin, the Chairman of the national senior advocacy group 60 Plus Association, released the following statement regarding the Food and Drug Administration’s …
Cuccinelli Cares About Liberty, Hudson A Hero For Freedom
(Alexandria, VA) – 60 Plus Association Chairman Jim Martin made the following statement today regarding the 4th Circuit decision striking down the provision of Obama’s healthcare legislation that mandates that Americans carry …
A Death Tax “Compromise”?
Democrats and Republicans compromise on death tax rates for two years (Alexandria, VA) – Yesterday Democrats and Republicans reached a potential agreement on various tax issues. What President Obama failed to emphasize …