
Massive Medicare Cuts Await Elderly Says New Ad From Seniors’ Group

ALEXANDRIA, VA – The 60 Plus Association, a 17-year-old nonpartisan senior citizens advocacy group often referred to as the “conservative alternative to the AARP” today released a TV ad warning the elderly …

Seniors Suffer Under Obama/AARP/PhRMA “Healthcare Reform”

All Americans, especially seniors, want and deserve affordable and accessible healthcare. But attaining that goal will be next to impossible under the Obama Administration’s proposal.

Seniors Urge Congress To Oppose Federal Renewable Energy Standards

A Federal Res Will Impose Unnecessary And Burdensome Costs On Senior Citizens ALEXANDRIA, VA — The 60 Plus Association, a national nonpartisan advocacy group, today sent a letter to all members of …

Gunfight Smoke May Be Clearing

The 60 Plus Association, filing a friend of the court brief allowing individuals the right to keep and bear arms, said it was “cautiously optimistic” that the U.S. Supreme Court would grant that right.

Taxes, Taxes And More Taxes

The 60 Plus Association heartily endorses the Republican Study Committee’s Taxpayer Bill of Rights.

Praise For The Long Overdue Prescription Drug Benefit

Jim Martin, at a counter rally to an event organized on Capitol Hill by, criticized the group while praising the long overdue prescription drug benefit. There’s an old saying that a lie can travel half way around the world before the truth can get its shoes on. Well the truth has now arrived.

Help Katrina Victims: Abolish Death Tax

Statement By 60 Plus Association President Jim Martin As Estate Tax Repeal Vote Is Postponed: “I believe the Senate was wise to postpone a vote on repeal of the death tax.”

To The House Of Lords: Kill The Death Tax

Today, the U.S. Senate is poised to either drive a stake through the heart of the most confiscatory tax ever enacted or to go wobbly and allow this cruel, job-robbing, anti-growth estate tax to live on in infamy.

60 Plus Applauds New Social Security Proposals

The President’s leadership for Social Security reform is beginning to pay dividends. “In recent days, legislative proposals put forward by Senators’ Jim DeMint (R-SC) and Robert Bennett (R-UT) as well as Congressmen Sam Johnson (R-TX), Jim McCrery (R-LA), Clay Shaw (R-FL) and Paul Ryan (R-WI) all suggest reform is beginning to take root.

Statement By 60 Plus Association President Jim Martin Submitted To The House Energy and Mineral Subcommittee

Energy Supply, Energy Costs and the American Consumer Room 1324 House Office Building, May 19th, 2005, 10:00a.m. I submit this testimony on behalf of the 60 Plus Association, an 11-year-old senior citizen’s …