Seniors Salute Sessions
Senior citizens salute Senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL) and the more than 20 co-sponsors he has for the Jobs Protection and Estate Tax Reform Act of 2005.
Natural Gas Price Shock
Although America’s economy is revving up, the price of a little blue flame imperils our resurgence. As Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan has said, America is threatened by high natural gas prices. This menace not only endangers our economy, it is especially threatening to America’s seniors who are struggling to make ends meet. The time has come for our national leaders to take the necessary steps to moderate soaring natural gas prices.
Super Rich Nonsense
Super Rich Nonsense by Pat Boone: “I don’t have a problem with super-wealthy people using their money to influence the political process. Have at it. But they ought to be straight with us: If Bill Gates, Warren Buffett or “the fabulously wealthy” Teresa Heinz take a certain position on legislation, they ought to make it clear whether they will personally benefit in some way.”
Dems’ Prefer Medicare Stay Stuck In The 60’s
Statement By 60 Plus Association President Jim Martin: “Page 3 of the March 23rd edition of The Hill titled “House Dems launch spring offensive on Medicare law” is listed under the banner of “News.” I humbly disagree: the banner should have read “Old News” at best, “Demagoguery” more precisely.”
McCain Proposal On Drug Reimportation Unwise, Unhealthy
The legislation on drug reimportation proposed recently by Senator John McCain is both unwise and unhealthy. And in fact, the Senator’s plan should be labeled, ‘Hazardous To Your Health.’ President Bush just signed into law legislation crafted by Congress to provide a prescription drug benefit while improving access to generic drugs for all Americans, negating the need to go outside the U.S. for drugs. The 60 Plus Association endorsed this long overdue proposal.
Ultra Liberal Scientists On The Environment
Roger Zion, Chairman of the 60 Plus Association stated that, “With the mainstream media here salivating over the possibility of a Republican President losing his bid for a second-term, you can expect to see a lot of one-sided “Beat Up On Bush” stories with Washington datelines.”
A Canary In America’s Coal Mine
Jim Martin recently addressed a congressional committee about what’s being done — and what’s not being done — to improve America’s energy supplies and reminded Congress that seniors have long memories.