
Testimony Of James L. Martin Before The House Subcommittee On Energy And Mineral Resources

Jim Martin, President of the 60 Plus Association, an 11-year-old advocacy group calls on some 4.5 million seniors nationally for support and commends Congress for convening this important hearing focusing on the lack of adequate energy supplies and the resulting high energy costs.

Seniors Group Praises Medicare Information Campaign

Jim Martin, President of the 60 Plus Association, praised the advertising campaign of the Bush Administration to inform the public about the provisions of the recently enacted Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act.

Some Legislative Hot Air: Bad Storm Rising

James L. Martin states that, “A bill now before Congress, S. 139, sponsored by Senators’ Joseph Lieberman ( D-CT) and John McCain (R-AZ) and known on the Hill as “The Climate Stewardship Act of 2003” would have the chilling effect of bringing the United States ever more closely in lockstep with the infamous Kyoto Protocol, referred to by some as the “Global Warming bill.”

Letter To Office Of Management And Budget Director Josh Bolton

James Martin urges funding of LIHEAP in letter: “Dear Josh: As you move to unveil the President’s fiscal 2005 Budget, I want to bring to your personal attention an increasingly important program — LIHEAP — that many seniors increasingly depend on. The Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program is more important than ever, because we have seen a significant run-up in the price of natural gas.”

Death Tax: A Grave Matter For Virginia’s Seniors

Dying Should Not Be A Taxable Event Statement By 60 Plus Association President Jim Martin

60 Plus Association Plays Prominent Role In Medicare Reform Bill Signing Ceremony

On December 8, President Bush signed the Medicare Reform Bill into law in a historic ceremony at Constitution Hall near the White House. Grassroots Leaders and members of 60 Plus Association played a prominent role in the ceremony.

Promises Made…Promises Kept

Seniors Hail President Bush And Congress Medicare Bill Signed Into Law by 60 Plus Association President Jim Martin “The day has arrived…finally…a history-making modernization of Medicare with its long-awaited prescription drug benefit for seniors. President Bush made a campaign promise to deliver a prescription drug benefit for seniors. He kept his promise with today’s bill signing at Constitution Hall.”

Seniors Say: Stop The Delays, Pass The Medicare Prescription Drug Bill

Jim Martin, President of the 60 Plus Association, called on the opponents of the Medicare Prescription Drug Bill to stop their delaying tactics and vote on the bill itself.

60 Plus Members Attend Meeting With President Bush On Medicare Reform

On October 29, there were 33 Grassroots Leaders and members of the 60 Plus Association attended a meeting with President Bush at the Old Executive Office Building next to the White House regarding Medicare Reform.

Seniors Support Freedom Of Choice For Health Care

The 60 Plus Association lauded U.S. Rep. Chris Cox (R-CA) for introducing H.R. 1117, the Health Care Freedom of Choice Act, which will allow 100% tax deductibility for senior citizens’ out-of-pocket health expenses, including pharmaceutical and Medigap premiums.