Wealth And Our Commonwealth: Why America Should Tax Accumulated Fortunes
Authors Credit 60 Plus Association President Jim Martin With Renaming The Estate Tax The “Death” Tax.
Letter To Senator Stabenow
Letter from James L. Martin to The Honorable Debbie A. Stabenow, United States Senate “Dear Senator Stabenow: Once again the issue of importation of prescription drugs has reared its ugly head– and it represents a danger to all Americans but especially senior citizens. In fact, reimportation of prescription drugs is, indeed, hazardous to the health of America’s seniors.”
Statement Of Roger Zion, Honorary Chairman, 60 Plus Association, To Senate Energy And Natural Resources Committee, U.S. Senate
“In 1973, I served as the Chairman of the House Republican Task Force on Energy and Resources. I gave a speech on the House floor in which I said: “If we don’t make maximum used of domestic energy sources, we will be held up by the Arabs and our National Defense will be threatened.” At that time we were importing 35% of our oil. Now it’s over 60%.”
Statement Of The 60 Plus Association On Yucca Mountain And Nuclear Waste Fund
The 60 Plus Association urges Congress to move forward and approve the safe storage of nuclear fuel at Yucca Mountain.
Some Drugs Should Not Be Over-The-Counter
Forced over-the-counter switches of prescription drugs will threaten the health of America’s senior citizens, unduly encourage dangerous self-medicating by seniors, and further imperil their financial livelihood, according to a letter issued today to the FDA commissioner by the 60 Plus Association.
New Drug Survey Shows That It Pays To Shop Around
A new survey indicates that senior citizens may be looking in the wrong place when they ask Washington to do something about prescription drug prices. The survey of drug prices conducted by the 60 Plus Association showed price variations for generic drugs from 304% to an extraordinary 856%; and for brand-name medicines, such as Prilosec, Lipitor, Celebrex and Paxil, included in the survey, of from 53% to 175%.
Hazardous To Your Health!
The 60 Plus Association strongly opposes any amendment or bill, which would allow the reimportation of prescription drugs. Senate bill S. 7 introduced last week by Senators’ Kennedy, Breaux, Mikulski, Daschle, Murray, Dodd, Leahy and others would weaken the Social Security Act by — among other things — allowing for the reimportation of prescription drugs from Canada.
Roger Zion states, “About 20 years ago President Ronald Reagan asked me to serve as his Chairman of the Synfuels Corporation in Washington in the wake of a close to $100 billion appropriation by the Democratic Congress to build a massive synfuels effort in view of the quadrupling of oil prices, the oil embargo– the lines at all the gas stations, etc.”
HMO’s Greed Hurts Allergy Sufferers
Managed care organizations are conducting an orchestrated campaign to discriminate against allergy sufferers — largely in an effort to increase their own bottom line, according to the 60 Plus Association.
Special Action Alert From The 60 Plus Association And CARE
Dear 60 Plus Association Advocate: Key members of the U.S. House and Senate are faced with an issue of critical importance to the Nation — passing national energy legislation. In order for America to ensure both national and economic security, affordable and reliable and supplies of energy must be available to businesses and individual consumers. Unless Congress acts now by adopting an effective national energy strategy, our economy, our jobs, and our way of life could be jeopardized.