Seniors Leader to Congress: “This Is No Time To Go Wobbly,” on Death Tax
60 Plus Chairman Invokes Margaret Thatcher in Tax Debate ALEXANDRIA, VIRGINIA (September 20, 2017) – 60 Plus Chairman and Founder James Martin today issued the following statement regarding ongoing efforts to enact …
Seniors Leader Blasts Chuck Schumer For “Woefully Uninformed” Death Tax Remarks – 60 Plus Founder Jim Martin Advises Senator to Visit Middle America
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE September 13, 2017 Contact: Scott Hogenson 703-967-6298 Seniors Leader Blasts Chuck Schumer For “Woefully Uninformed” Death Tax Remarks 60 Plus Founder Jim Martin Advises Senator to Visit Middle America …
The Outdated U.S. Tax Code
September 6, 2017 The Honorable Kevin Brady 1011 Longworth House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 Dear Congressman Brady, The outdated U.S. tax code, last overhauled more than three decades ago, has rendered …
Don’t Fear The Death Tax Abolition
By James L. Martin and Pat Boone Alexandria, VA (August 29, 2017) Political courage is hard to come by these days, particularly when one considers the highly polarized nature of Congress. Fold …
Ed Feulner Gives Credit to 60 Plus Association Chairman Jim Martin’s Fight for Death Tax Repeal
COMMENTARY BY Edwin J. Feulner, Ph.D. June 9, 2017 Edwin J. Feulner is the founder and president of The Heritage Foundation. The death tax — the penalty families have to pay …
Opposition to H.R. 1215
Click below to read the letter we and countless other conservative groups have signed on to, in order to stop H.R. 1215 from being passed. Letter Of Opposition of H.R. 1215
Medical Malpractice “Reform”: Encroachment On Essential Liberties
Medical Malpractice “Reform”: Encroachment On Essential Liberties | The Daily Caller By Jim Martin, Chairman of 60 Plus Association More than 30 States already have some form of cap on damages in …
60 Plus recognized during White House Press Briefing as leader in effort to Kill the Death Tax
The Trump administration made clear that Killing the Death tax was one of their priorities on the campaign trail. Late last week during a press conference with Secretary Mnuchin, the Secretary …
“60 Plus joins coalition to oppose Senator Warren’s tone deaf attack on hearing aids.”
By Gayle Trotter, contributor – 05/01/17 07:00 PM EDT With Donald Trump’s victory last November, and a number of regulatory rollbacks made by the young administration, conservatives have the impression that the …
Pat Boone Sings Praises of Governor McMaster Lauded for Commitment to Elderly and Death Tax Repeal
In the photo from left to right: Jim Martin, Founder & Chairman of 60 Plus Association, Governor Henry Mc Master of South Carolina and Van Hipp, Jr. Former SC GOP Chairman.