Hatch-Waxman: “If It Ain’t Broke Don’t Fix It”
The 60 Plus Association, representing over a half-million seniors, strongly opposes S. 812, sponsored by Senators Charles Schumer (D-NY) and John McCain (R-AZ). S. 812 seeks to make changes to the existing Hatch-Waxman Act of 1984, which created a thriving generic drug market. There now exists a well balanced market for generic as well as brand drugs, therefore this legislation is not needed and in fact is bad medicine for seniors. It reminds me of the old saying, ‘if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.’
60 Plus Association Endorses House-Passed Prescription Drug Plan For Seniors
Jim Martin, President of the 60 Plus Association, endorsed Thursday’s House-passed prescription drug benefit plan, calling it “a benefit which will help seniors meet the high costs of health care.”
‘When You Die, Uncle Sam, Not Even A Blood Relative, Is The First Claimant In Line For Your After-Tax Assets’
“We at the 60 Plus Association realize how heavy this tax burden is, especially for senior citizens as well as for their children and grandchildren in the working force.”60 Plus is especially working hard to lower the cost of government, notably by driving a stake in the heart of the cruelest, meanest, and most unnecessary of all taxes– the federal estate or ‘death’ tax.”
Reaction To Rejection Of Repeal Of The Death Tax Today In The Senate
In a town where con jobs are a daily occurrence, the biggest con job of all is the Democrats’ canard that repeal of the Death Tax is a ‘windfall for the wealthy.’ They say it is a ‘tax cut for the rich’ because it affects less than 2% of those who die. Then why is it that nearly 80% of the public favors repeal? It’s because the public cites the unfairness of a tax imposed solely on after-tax assets.”The biggest fable of all is that only about 3,000 super rich families get this tax break. The truth is that most of these set up trusts and foundations to protect their assets and who can blame them.
Kudos To Pfizer; Now Fix Medicare
As President Bush noted in his State of the Union address, the economic stimulus plan is not the only unfinished business facing Washington. Congress also needs to find a way to provide Medicare recipients with prescription drug coverage. But the President was right to insist that Congress not tackle the problem in isolation, but as part of a broader effort to strengthen Medicare. We need “to give seniors a sound and modern Medicare system that includes coverage for prescription drugs,” he said — the emphasis on “sound and modern.”
National Security Issue
Bush Energy Policy Is Right For America Press Conference March 21, 2002 Statement by 60 Plus Association President Jim Martin: “My Friends in the Energy Stewardship Alliance and I are working hard to get a sane national energy bill passed by the Senate. We need a bill, similar to H.R. 4– which includes drilling in the tiny area of the huge Arctic refuge. Democrats and Republicans alike passed that bill in the House with a hefty margin because they knew it was the right thing to do.”