
60 Plus, Leading Senior Citizen Group, Praises Pfizer Prescription Drug Plan

The 60 Plus Association, a half million member senior citizen lobbying group, today called a new Pfizer prescription drug program to be offered at low cost to the 7 million seniors most in need a major step toward solving America’s prescription drug problem.

D For Demagogue Instead Of Democrat

The head of a national senior citizens group today declared that to equate the $1.3 trillion tax cut with the economic downturn is “ingenious at best, and dishonest at worst.” 60 Plus Association President Jim Martin issued a statement in response to a speech by Majority Leader Tom Daschle (D-SD) on the state of the economy. Martin, head of the nine year old seniors group charged that Daschle was “doing a disservice to seniors.”

Extend Medicare Cost Contracts

Currently 295,727 American seniors enjoy Medicare health plans called “cost contracts.” Under legislation introduced in the Senate, seniors will be able to continue utilizing these valued health plans.

Saving Social Security With Personal Retirement Accounts: The Wave Of The Future

“This is an exciting time not only for seniors but just as importantly for our children and grandchildren for they will benefit in the future from a new and improved Social Security system that will result from these options offered today by the bipartisan Commission to Strengthen Social Security. President Bush tasked the Commission with the responsibility to see that current and near retirees’ benefits are preserved, while allowing young workers to take more control of their own financial destiny with personal retirement accounts (PRA’s),” said Jim Martin, President of the 60 Plus Association.

Time To End The Estate Tax

This year, a consensus emerged in favor of significant tax reform. Congress passed and the president signed into law a comprehensive tax cut bill that eliminates the estate tax in 2010. The only problem is the bill expires in 2011. Permanent repeal of the estate tax is still needed to produce a fairer and flatter tax system.

The Need To Act On Energy Security

James M. Inhofe says, “America’s chronic dependence on foreign oil is not only an economic concern, but an important national security issue as well. It not only affects citizens and businesses nationwide, but also has a direct impact on our ability to fight and win wars.”

60 Plus Association Endorses Bush’s Prescription Plan For Seniors

James L. Martin, President of the 60 Plus Association, hailed President George W. Bush’s prescription drug benefit proposal “as fulfilling a campaign promise that senior citizens will receive a benefit which will help them meet the high costs of prescription drugs.”

Roger Zion To Speak At Senate Energy Press Conference

“To get right to the point, to be brutally blunt — it’s time the Senate leadership quit demagoguing and come to grips with the energy legislation they have bottled up. Our economy depends in no minor way to the passage of an energy plan,” says 60 Plus Chairman, Roger Zion.

H.R. 8, The Death Tax Elimination Act

The United States House of Representatives passed by a vote of 274-154, H.R. 8, The Death Tax Elimination Act, which repeals over the next decade the death tax (or estate and gift tax).

$60 Tax Then: $9,969.60 Tax Now

The head of the first national senior citizens organization to call for personalization of the 66-year-old Social Security system today called on Congressional Democrats to “stop scaring seniors for political gain.”