
5th Annual Forum On Social Security Reform

The head of the first national senior citizens organization to call for a major overhaul of the Social Security system today urged Congress to “move boldly into the 21st century to save Social Security for future retirees.” 60 Plus Association President Jim Martin hosted his group’s 5th annual forum on the 66th anniversary of the system signed into law on this date in 1935 by President Franklin D. Roosevelt.

Social Security Is 66!

Should The System Be Privatized? Fifth Annual Forum sponsored by the 60 Plus Association

Crying For Reform

White House critics are shocked, just shocked, that President Bush has named people who agree with him to a new commission that’s supposed to redesign Social Security so the program provides a decent retirement for future generations.

To Members Of The President’s Commission On Social Security

The 60 Plus Association, a national, nonpartisan senior citizens’ advocacy group of half a million members, strongly endorses the letter sent by U.S. Representative Jim DeMint (R-SC) and House Majority Leader Dick Armey (R-TX) urging that you support protecting the benefits for Social Security recipients and offering younger workers the opportunity to establish personal retirement accounts.

60 Plus Association Endorses Bush’s Prescription Plan For Seniors

James L. Martin, President of the 60 Plus Association, hailed President George W. Bush’s prescription drug benefit proposal “as fulfilling a campaign promise that senior citizens will receive a benefit which will help them meet the high costs of prescription drugs.

Statement By The 60 Plus Association On Availability Of The Drug Synthroid

The 60 Plus Association represents half a million senior citizens nation wide. We have been concerned over efforts to remove the drug Synthroid, a thyroid medication from the market. We strongly oppose these efforts and urge keeping Synthroid on the market.

Bush Energy Policy Is “Senior Friendly”

Having lived or worked on Capitol Hill during the terms of 10 Presidents, dating back to 1953 as a young Marine in President Dwight Eisenhower’s first year, I can honestly say that President George W. Bush has developed the first fully balanced energy plan I’ve seen in 48 years.

Meet Mr. Death

“Somebody once told me, ‘Jim, we ought to call you Mr. Death,” Mr. Martin tells me proudly. “I’ll have you know, I don’t mind that appellation.” These days, Mr. Death has reason to crow. Mr. Martin credits himself with coining the term “death tax” in 1993 as a usefully derisive nickname for the estate tax.

Senior Citizens Endorse Bush Bipartisan Commission To Improve And Strengthen Social Security

60 Plus Association endorses Bush bipartisan commission to improve and strengthen Social Security.

Kill The Death Tax. Kill It, Don’t Wound It

The 60 Plus Association hails the 274-154 vote by the U.S. House of Representatives to repeal the death tax. Way back in 1993, 60 Plus founded the Coalition to Kill the Death Tax. Our battle cry was kill it, don’t wound it.