Excerpts From 60 Plus Supporters Who Favor Repeal Of The Death Tax
Excerpts from 60 Plus Association Supporters who favor repeal of the death tax. “I am glad that an organized group is not only fighting for the reduction, but going for the ABOLITION of the Inheritance tax.” J.K.L. in California
Death Tax Should Be Laid To Rest
It is all but certain that the American people are finally going to get some sort of tax relief. Thanks to the election of a new president and the diffident blessing of the head of the Federal Reserve, Alan Greenspan, the debate on Capitol Hill is not if there is going to be a tax cut, but rather how much it will be.
Taxing Cadavers Is Gross Public Policy
“Accelerating the R.I.P. date for the death tax would be the most beneficial boost I know of to a slowing economy and to the lives of countless mom and pop businesses and farmers all across America,” says 60 Plus President, Jim Martin.
Death & Taxes Poem
Tax his cow, tax his goat, Tax his pants, tax his coat, Tax his crops, tax his work, Tax his ties, tax his shirt. Tax his tractor, tax his mule, Teach him …
Seniors Group Endorses Bush Prescription Drug Plan
The 60 Plus Association strongly endorsed Governor George W. Bush’s plan unveiled today to provide seniors with prescription drug and other improved benefits and criticized Gore for his seven year silence.
Statement Of Jim Martin, President, 60 Plus Association On Importation Of Prescription Drugs
The 60 Plus Association is very concerned with recent amendments to the FY2001 Agriculture Appropriations bill that would allow pharmacies and wholesalers to purchase prescription drugs outside the United States and then import them into this country for sale.