
60 Plus Vice President Hank Hough Testifies Before The House Subcommittee On Social Security To Eliminate The Earnings Limits

When I came to Washington as a newspaper reporter in 1962, John F. Kennedy was in the White House, Neal Armstrong had not yet walked on the moon, Strom Thurmond was a Democrat and the problems with Social Security were perceived by few, other than Barry Goldwater.

First Seniors Group Goes On Record For The Privatization Of The Social Security System

First Senior Group Goes on Record for Privatizing Social Security System.

Death Tax Upsets Winfrey

Candid “Oprah” Moment Displays Winfrey’s Regrets Over “Death Tax”…Aka…Estate Tax. “The following is a direct lift from the transcript of the nationally syndicated “Oprah” program for August 4, 1997. It speaks for itself.”