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ATR Leads Coalition Opposing a $15 Minimum Wage Tax

Today Americans for Tax Reform submitted a letter along with 16 other organizations to the U.S. Senate in opposition to a $15 minimum wage tax.   Recently, Senators Ron Wyden and Bernie Sanders proposed a tax on businesses that …

The Senate Must Stop Vanita Gupta

Anti-police Radical With Ties To Extreme Leftist Groups Should Not Become Third Highest Ranking Official At The Department Of Justice The Senate must oppose anti-police radical Vanita Gupta and stop her from …

The New Push to Expand Government’s Role in Health Care Won’t Work. Here’s How We Can Help Americans Instead.

The following is an open letter from 68 leaders participating in the Health Policy Consensus Group. The full list of signatories follows the letter. Democrats in Congress have proposed a COVID-19 relief bill that includes provisions …

Xavier Becerra Should Not Lead The Department Of Health & Human Services

Conservatives oppose the confirmation of Xavier Becerra to lead the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). No federal agency has more influence over policies relating to the sanctity of life, human …

Neera Tanden Is Unfit To Lead The Office Of Management And Budget

Conservatives strongly oppose the confirmation of Neera Tanden to lead the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). It is critical that the OMB director lead the agency with sound judgment, as well …

Remembering Rush Limbaugh

Statement From 60 Plus National Spokesman and Entertainment Legend Pat Boone: “IF…I say, IF America can still preserve and record our history truthfully, as we have till now…it will faithfully record that …

Democrats & Republicans Better Start Talking

The Hatred is Numbing: The vitriol, on both sides, is tearing our country apart. There is plenty of blame to go around, but the left won’t stop, even after they won. The right is frustrated, …

Nomination of Neera Tanden For Director of the Office of Management and Budget

Conservatives for Property Rights (CPR) writes to express our opposition to the nomination of Neera Tanden for director of the Office of Management and Budget. CPR urges Senators to oppose this nominee’s …

Conservatives Oppose H.R. 1, The Ultimate Fantasy Of The Left

Conservatives are united in opposing H.R. 1, the attempt by House and Senate Democrats to fundamentally undermine the American electoral system. We further oppose any effort to modify budget reconciliation rules to …

Are There ANY Independent/Moderate Democrats Left?!?

“The constitution is on the president’s side and then there’s the facts: How do you incite a riot that was already planned? When you tell people at a rally to peacefully and …