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Farmers, Ranchers Cheer USMCA

Beginning of US-Mexico-Canada Trade Agreement Promises to Boost Farm Economies 60 Plus Founder and Chairman Jim Martin issued the following statement on the occasion of the United States-Mexico-Canada Trade Agreement entering into …

Seniors Want Substance Over Style

Older voters are not abandoning Trump 60 Plus Founder and Chairman Jim Martin Friday released the following commentary Tuesday: “Having studied and engaged in presidential policy since the administration of Dwight Eisenhower, …

House Democrats Exploit Chinese Virus To Revive Obamacare

“Cynical Ploy” used to reverse Trump advances on better health care 60 Plus Founder and Chairman Jim Martin Friday issued the following statement on the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Enhancement Act: …

Coalition Urges Treasury Action on Upcoming “Fiscal Cliff” of Tax Payment Deadlines

Dear Secretary Mnuchin: As you know, the month of July marks the due date for an enormous number of taxes for families and employers. Millions of individuals will owe significant amounts on …

Support for Restoring America’s Leadership in Innovation Act

The Honorable Thomas Massie2453 Rayburn House Office BuildingUnited States CongressWashington, DC 20515 Dear Representative Massie: Conservatives for Property Rights strongly supports the Restoring America’s Leadership in Innovation Act. Thank you for your …

Coalition Letter Urging Opposition to Price Controls on the Healthcare System

President Donald J. TrumpThe White House1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NWWashington, D.C. 20500 The Honorable Alex M. AzarSecretaryU.S. Department of Health and Human Services200 Independence Avenue, SWWashington, D.C. 20201 Vice President Michael R. PenceThe …

Conservatives Oppose the Federal Land Grab in S. 3422

Conservatives oppose legislation that would massively increase funding for federal and state land acquisition. We recognize that the bill, S. 3422, enjoys overwhelming support from Democrats in the House and Senate, significant …

ATR Leads Coalition Letter Urging Deferral of Alcohol Excise Taxes

Americans for Tax Reform today released a coalition letter signed by over 30 organizations and activists urging Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin to delay excise tax payments for beer, wine, and distilled spirit manufacturers and …

U.S. Policy Must Require China To Tear Down Its Great Firewall

Like all totalitarian governments, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) can survive only by the suppression of truth and free speech. To that end, the CCP exerts tight control over the flow of …

Support of H.R. 6690, the BEAT CHINA Act

The Honorable Chip Roy1319 Longworth House Office BuildingWashington, D.C. 20515 Dear Congressman Roy: Conservatives for Property Rights (CPR), a coalition of policy organizations representing tens of thousands of Americans, writes in support …