October 7, 2019Washington, D.C. Conservatives denounce efforts by congressional Democrats to abuse the impeachment process for blatantly political ends. Under the Constitution, impeachment is a remedy to address the grave offenses of …
Seniors Cheer Trump’s Medicare Plan
“The atmosphere in the audience in The Villages was electric” THE VILLAGES, Florida (October 3, 2019) – 60 Plus Association, and American Association of Senior Citizens Founder and Chairman James Martin today …
Improvements to Medicare Will Help Seniors
Older Americans “Will like what they see Martin Predicts,” in Trump’s Medicare Plan THE VILLAGES, Florida (October 3, 2019) – 60 Plus Association, and American Association of Senior Citizens Founder and Chairman …
Pelosi Drug Proposal Betrays Seniors
Rx plan “seeks to control the means of production for drugs” ALEXANDRIA, Virginia (September 20, 2019) – 60 Plus Association Founder and Chairman James Martin today issued the following statement in response …
60 Plus Association ‘Protecting Access to Medicare Act’ Coalition Letter
August 6, 2018 The Hon. Greg Walden Chairman, Energy & Commerce Committee 2176 Rayburn HOB Washington, D.C. 20515 The Hon. Michael Burgess Subcommittee Chairman, Health 2125 Rayburn HOB Washington, DC …
Trump Continues Obamacare Roll-Back Effort
Incremental step ‘encouraging,’ but ‘the best path forward is to finally and fully repeal Obamacare’ ALEXANDRIA, Virginia (August 2, 2018) – 60 Plus Association Founder and Chairman James Martin Thursday issued the …
Senate to Take Up Repeal of Obamacare Medical Device Tax
Seniors Leader Urges “Swift Passage” Following Bipartisan House Repeal Effort ALEXANDRIA, Virginia (July 26, 2018) – 60 Plus Association Founder and Chairman James Martin Thursday issued the following statement in support of …
Around the Senate in 80 Days
Clock ticking on 80 day timeline to confirm Judge Brett Kavanaugh to Supreme Court ALEXANDRIA, Virginia (July 13, 2018) – 60 Plus Association Founder and Chairman James Martin Friday issued the following …
Senior’s Group Backs Brett Kavanaugh As ‘Outstanding Jurist’
“Americans will not tolerate the unhinged bullying of Judge Kavanaugh” ALEXANDRIA, Virginia (July 9, 2018) – 60 Plus Association Founder and Chairman James Martin Tuesday issued the following statement on President …
Martin Backs Pruitt in Fight Against “Radical Environmental Policy”
Seniors should not underwrite the left’s “false environmental utopia” ALEXANDRIA, Virginia (June 21, 2018) – 60 Plus Association Founder and Chairman James Martin Thursday issued the following statement in defense of Environmental …