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60 Plus Endorses Harriet Hageman in Wyoming

The 60 Plus Association proudly endorses Harriet Hageman for Congress in the state of Wyoming.  We are confident that she will fight with us to preserve and protect Social Security & Medicare!

60 Plus Endorses Cassy Garcia for Congress

The 60 Plus Association, American Association of Senior Citizens, proudly endorses Cassy Garcia for Congress in the 28th district in the great state of Texas!  She will make a great Congresswoman!

Conservatives Oppose Funding The Far-left’s Agenda In The Lame Duck

Conservatives must not agree to send any more money to fund the Biden administration’s radical, inflationary agenda – not now, and not in a lame duck session. It is clear that congressional …

60 Plus Endorses Neil Parrott for Congress

The 60 Plus Association, American Association of Senior Citizens endorses Neil Parrott for Congress this November.  Neil will be a fighter who will look out for our Seniors!

60 Plus Endorses Mayra Flores

The 60 Plus Association, American Association of Seniors Citizens proudly endorses Mayra Flores in the great state of #Texas. She will fight and protect our Seniors in Congress!

The Gulf of Mexico is Vital for American Energy Security

Why the Gulf of Mexico is Vital for American Energy Security As geopolitical tensions rise and energy prices continue to climb, both in the U.S. and across Europe, the world is looking …

CEI Leads Coalition Opposing Increased Government Interference in Rail Operations

CEI and 21 other organizations and individuals have signed a letter opposing the misleadingly named Freight Rail Shipping Fair Market Act, which would increase government interference in freight rail operations. Much of the bill is …

60 Plus Letter to the FTC – Motor Vehicle Dealers Trade Regulation Rule

September 7, 2022 Dear FTC Commissioners: We are writing you on behalf of the 60 Plus Association – American Association of Senior Citizens, representing millions of senior citizens and older Americans nationwide. …

Conservatives Urge Red Line Reforms In Year-end Spending Packages

As the fiscal year comes to a close, conservatives urge Congress to adopt substantive red lines for government-funding measures that elevate the needs and well-being of the American people above the self-interested …

President Anuzis: Actually, Ron Johnson is a champion for the future of both Social Security and Medicare

By Saul Anuzis, President 60 Plus Association There’s no arguing the fact that Social Security and Medicare funds will be exhausted in the coming years. Reports have shown that Medicare funds will …