
Mike Gallagher Radio: IRS Targeting Conservative Groups

Nationally syndicated talk show host Mike Gallagher interviews 60 Plus Chairman Jim Martin where the pair discusses the IRS targeting conservative groups and their role in implementing Obamacare. Mike Gallagher Show: IRS …

Turn Your Head and Cough Up the Money: The IRS Taxes and Audits Americans’ Healthcare

Jim Martin: “Obamacare will turn every doctor’s office, every hospital, every adult-care facility into a branch office of the IRS.” (Alexandria, Virginia) — The 60 Plus Association, the nation’s largest conservative seniors …

Shameful Democrats Rush to Defense of Their IRS Political Partners

Jim Martin: “Democrats claim to be the party of the little guy, but they’ve been exposed as the party of the giant lie — big government bullies who will use any means …

IRS Target 60 Plus Association: Steve Miller Testimony ‘Shameful’

Jim Martin: “The IRS has ‘customers’ the way the guillotine operator has ‘customers.’” (Alexandria, Virginia) — 60 Plus Association Chairman and Founder Jim Martin issued the following statement today concerning the sworn …

House Votes to Repeal Obamacare as Democrats Stand by Corrupt IRS

Jim Martin: “Democrats will have a lot to answer for come November of 2014. Obamacare is shredding the healthcare safety net in this country as the IRS shreds our Constitution. “ (Alexandria, …

IRS Scandal Demands Obamacare Repeal

Jim Martin: “Now that it is clear that the IRS operates with the ethics of the KGB, it is proven impossible for it to discharge its duties under Obamacare.” (Alexandria, Virginia) — …

Seniors Cheer Speaker Boehner and Leader McConnell for Opposing IPAB Appointments

Jim Martin: “These principled leaders stand as a firewall against Obama’s Medicare slashing panel so that it may take its rightful place in history alongside the Edsel and Dodo bird.” (Alexandria, Virginia) …

Death Tax Terry Scaring Virginia Seniors and Family Businesses

Jim Martin: While states across our nation are dropping the Death Tax in order to create jobs and protect seniors, Terry McAuliffe actually wants to take Virginia backwards. (Alexandria, Virginia) — Democrat …

60 Plus Applauds North Carolina Tax Reform Proposal

(Alexandria, Virginia) — Today the North Carolina Senate introduced a broad tax reform package that will help the state and its seniors.  North Carolina has long been a retirement destination for America’s …

Democrats in Congress Seek to Repeal Obamacare for Themselves and Staff as Regular Americans Brace for Train Wreck

Jim Martin: “Democrats refusing to use the Obamacare exchanges they created is like a chef refusing to eat at his own restaurant. Americans want off this train wreck now.” (Alexandria, Virginia) — …