Statement by 60 Plus Association Chairman Jim Martin I speak on behalf of over 7 million senior citizen activists who I believe are sighing in relief with Paul Ryan’s selection as Governor …
Despicable and False Liberal TV Ad Makes Light of Physical Abuse of the Elderly
Jim Martin: “Liberals seem to have a perverse pleasure portraying violence against seniors.” (Alexandria, Virginia) – A new TV ad funded by a liberal PAC falsely attacking Congressman Allen West’s (R-FL) voting …
Romney Pledge to ‘Repeal and Reform’ Obamacare Earns Cheers from Seniors
Jim Martin of 60 Plus: “Fixing healthcare starts with the transparency and openness that candidate Obama promised, but President Obama discarded.” (Alexandria, Virginia) – GOP Presidential nominee Mitt Romney earned kudos today …
Obamacare Sends More Jobs to the Morgue
President’s medical devices tax kills over 1,000 new jobs according to Indiana company. (Alexandria, Virginia) – A report in the Indianapolis Business Journal uncovers exactly how President Obama’s healthcare overhaul is killing …
Seniors Scold Democrats for Tax Hike Vote
Jim Martin, “Democrats see our drowning economy and decide to throw it an anvil.” (Alexandria, Virginia) – By a vote of 51-48, Senate Democrats passed a substantial tax increase yesterday that included …
Obamacare Fail Continues: Costs Up, Coverage Down
New CBO report and survey show more will lose coverage, as families pay more. (Alexandria, Virginia) – A new report issued by the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) states that projected costs of …
The 60 Plus Association Calls on the Senate to vote NO! on Death Tax Increase
WASHINGTON, D.C. – The 60 Plus Association today calls on the Senate to vote no on the motion to proceed on bill S. 3412. This bill offered by Senator Reid will allow …
The 60 Plus Association Shares New Death Tax Study and Calls for Repeal
WASHINGTON, D.C. – The 60 Plus Association is proud to share the newly released death tax study by the Joint Economic Committee. The report, “Cost and Consequences of the Federal Estate Tax”, …
Death Tax Repeal Reaches 218 Cosponsors
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today with the help from the 60 Plus Association, H.R. 1259 the Death Tax Repeal Permanency Act of 2011 reached 218 cosponsors giving it support from a majority of …
Seniors Applaud House Vote to Repeal Obamacare, Demand Senate Take Action
60 Plus Chairman Jim Martin: “Seniors deserve to know who’s with them, who’s against them.” (Alexandria, Virginia) – In response to the Supreme Court’s June 28 ruling upholding Obamacare, and specifically upholding …