Bush Labeled “Senior Friendly”
At long last, senior citizens all across our great land can expect action on a prescription drug plan that will work. President Bush, while on the campaign trail in 2000, in a Rose Garden ceremony on July 12, 2001 and on numerous occasions while on-the-stump for candidates vying for office in the mid-term elections of 2002, promised action on this difficult issue. And he’s making good on that promise now.
Uncle Sam: “Hands Off!”
The 60 Plus Association, representing thousands of seniors in all 435 Congressional districts, strongly opposes government intervention wherever and whenever it ought not be — and digital piracy and measures enacted to repel audio-video theft is one area where things are best left to the private sector.
Cheney Speech To US Chamber Of Commerce…
In his January 9th remarks to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, V.P. Richard B. Cheney cited the President’s call for permanent — and immediate — tax relief for all Americans. Of note to the 60 Plus Association were the Vice President’s remarks for ending the Death Tax, once and for all.
Savings For Seniors Key Feature Of Bush Economic Plan
In his January 7 remarks to the Economic Club of Chicago, President Bush articulated his vision for stimulating the economy. Americans are due to receive tax relief in 2004 and 2006 via legislation already passed by Congress in 2001. But the President’s call for making all tax rate cuts effective immediately will boost the economy today — now — in 2003 — when the shot in the arm will be most effective.
Happy Birthday Senator Thurmond
Sen. Strom Thurmond (R- South Carolina) has been named a “Senior Solon of the Century” by a national seniors organization, the 60 Plus Association.
Career Story For 60 Plus Association’s Hugh Newton Graces Front Page Of Washington Times, Friday, October 11, 2002
Jim Martin, President of the 60 Plus Association of Arlington, Virginia, expressed pride over an in-depth, front-page story about Hugh Newton from the October 11th edition of the Washington Times. Martin stated, “People who knew Hugh from 30 years as a PR ‘flack’ with the Heritage Foundation, as well as those he continues to work with today on behalf of the 60 Plus Association, will no doubt find as much pleasure as I did when they read the fine piece by Times Reporter Scott Galupo.”
Have They No Shame?
Statement by 60 Plus Association President Jim Martin responding to Democratic email, including a cartoon video depicting President Bush pushing seniors’ in wheelchairs down a path ‘…toward destruction.’ “Have they no shame? This is sick, in fact, sickening. To imply that President Bush or anybody else will send old folks in wheelchairs to the poor house by harming Social Security is not only deceitful but it’s totally dishonest.”
Pledge Decision “Outrageous”- Shows Need To Confirm Bush Judges
“The 2-1 decision by a panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals that the Pledge of Allegiance describing the United States as ‘one Nation, under God’ is unconstitutional and outrageous, and an insult to all Americans. This decision is a tragic example of two activist judges who rewrote the Constitution, ignoring our history, the stance of the Founding Fathers, and the clear will of Congress and the American people almost 50 years ago.”
Statement Of James L. Martin, President, 60 Plus Association On ABC’s Special “Bitter Medicine”
I was appalled at the program on the pharmaceutical industry entitled ‘Bitter Medicine’ by Peter Jennings. Had it been factually correct, it would have been entitled ‘Better Medicine instead of ‘Bitter Medicine.’ Instead, Mr. Jennings presented a biased presentation that was inaccurate and dishonest. As the head of a national senior citizens organization of half a million members, seniors should be enraged at this presentation of an important health care issue.
AARP “Ambulance Chasers” In Full Force
AARP has joined the pharmaceutical litigation bandwagon purportedly “to help its 35 million members gain access to lower cost prescription drugs.” This is a commendable objective with which everyone agrees: Seniors should not have to decide between buying food and buying drugs their doctors prescribe, but the AARP’s proposed lawsuits obfuscate the basic fact the legislation designed to promote lower cost generic drugs is already working.