Saul’s News

Democrat’s Last Minute Inflation Bill

Democrats Buy Off Manchin & Sinema: After a week of “negotiations,” the Democrats came up with a series of “promises” and “compromises” to garner enough votes from the ONLY two semi-moderate/independent Senators on …

It’s Official – America is in a Democrat Caused Recession!

The Democrat’s Recession: It’s official. Biden’s own Bureau of Economic Analysis, which is part of the Commerce Department, reported that GDP has shrunk 0.9%. This is the second consecutive quarter of economic decline. We …

Democrat’s Policies = Inflation

Biden’s Inflation: EVERY week, we feel the effects of Biden’s misguided policies. Gas – at the fuel pump, every week we feel the pain of filling up our cars/trucks. Food – at the …

Voter Fraud and Democrat’s Losing Agenda

Voter Fraud: An interesting analysis is attached at the end of this week’s newsletter showing there was some voter fraud, but nowhere near enough to change the results of the last presidential election. …

Progressive Liberals Use Planned Chaos… A Bad Strategy

“Condemnation without investigation is the height of ignorance” – Albert Einstein Planned Chaos from the Biden Administration: There is no other conclusion one can draw from the actions of the Biden Administration and …

Happy 4th of July – But it will cost you!

Happy 4th of July: Still the greatest country and earth. Sure, we have our failings and challenges, but we still live in the greatest country on earth. Think about it, it’s the only country in …

Democrats Policies = Inflation – Shady Politics 101

Democrat Billionaires Fund State Elections – Where are the Republican/Conservatives?: Please read the Washington Post article below. Liberals are very good at motivating their base of donors to fund Democrat’s campaigns. Where are our …

Happy Father’s Day

Biden’s Inflation: President Biden and his left-wing progressive allies Pelosi and Schumer are taxing every American beyond belief with inflation. Biden’s inflation is the most unfair tax of all…because the low and middle …

The Crazy Left of the Democratic Party

“Go home with love & in peace” – Donald J. Trump Tweet from January 6th  Biden’s Inflation: By the numbers, overall inflation up 8.6% since last year! Gas: up 48.7% Fuel Oil: up …

Inflation is Hurting & Biden is STILL a Hypocrite

“You won’t get gun control by disarming law-abiding citizens. There’s only one way to get real gun control: Disarm the thugs and the criminals, lock them up and if you don’t actually …