Saul’s News

Where are the moderates amongst the Democratic Congressmen?

Why Americans Are Frustrated with Biden: I have some friends asking what happened? He was supposed to be a moderate. It was going to be different. He would bring us all together. We had all hoped…and …

Bob Dole R.I.P. – Our Society at a Crossroads

“I’m a bit curious to learn if I am correct in thinking that Heaven will look a lot like Kansas. …And to see, like others who have gone before me, if I …

This ain’t working?!?

Biden’s Policies are just NOT Working: If you take a look at the various policy decisions Biden and the Democrats have made, the only thing Americans can say is “this ain’t working!” Biden’s …

Thanksgiving and Wishful Thinking

Happy Thanksgiving to all my friends…and we give special thanks to our troops who are giving us the opportunity to live free! God Bless you. “No people on earth have more cause …

Pushing False Narratives is Dangerous

Pushing False Narratives is Dangerous: Politicians, on both sides, are constantly pushing false narratives for political gain. The far left has taken this to new levels with their hatred of Trump and now …

Biden and Who’s Running in 2024

“Biden said inflation was transitory, but it’s not. He said illegal immigration was seasonal, but it isn’t. He said paying money 2 illegal immigrants was garbage but it’s true. He said US …

Parents Are Taking Back America

“The assumption that spending more of the taxpayers’ money will make things better has survived all kind of evidence that has made things worse.” – Thomas Sowell Parents vs Radical Left: Parents, independents, …

The Big Lie – $3.5 Trillion = ZERO

“Everyone wants to live at the expense of the state. They forget that the state lives at the expense of everyone.” – Frédéric Bastiat “It is not true that Congress spends money …

Democrats Are Trying to Make a Trillion Sound “Normal”

So How Much is a Trillion?!?: If only Democrats could count. The guys at @trumedia on Tik Tok made the following observation. How may days, in SECONDS, would it take you to count to …

Biden’s Debt Bomb Threatens America

“Freedom consists not in doing what we like, but in having the right to do what we ought.” – St. John Paul II Debt Bomb: Biden and virtually EVERY Democrat is attempting to …