Memorial Day: Always Remember… And Be Thankful
Never forget to sacrifices so many made for our precious freedoms! God Bless America! Obama Must Be Scared: As President Trump promised to declassify information about the politicized Russian Collusion Investigation, Speaker Pelosi declared: “We believe that no one is above the law, including the president of the United States”. The Obama Administration is about…
Trump Standing Tall – Fighting Back?!
America is Paying Attention?!: The poll numbers are telling. The American people are finally growing tired of the “fake news.†The blatant politicization of the mainstream media is backfiring on the left. Average Americans are growing tired of the “resist†movement that has one and only one goal in mind, to stop this President. The…
Democrats Cheap Political Gamesmanship – Sad
Run John, Run! John James for the U.S. Senate in Michigan! A great candidate who ran an impressive race in a very tough year last time around. With President Trump at the top of the ticket, John James could very easily be Michigan’s next United States Senator! House Democrat’s Absurd Contempt Ploy: Pure politics!!! As…
Democratic “Stalkerâ€
Spygate Becoming a Big Problem for Democrats: The Democrats are losing it! The Democratic hacks on the left don’t know what to do. Their super star prosecutor Mueller spent millions to take down President Trump and failed. NO Collusion and NO Obstruction. Now what can they spin. The economy is booming at record levels Obama…
The Rule of Law is Paramount to Keeping our Republic
Attorney General Bob Barr: Barr is the right man, at the right time, to do the job most would fear even contemplating. President Trump was right, there was no Russian collusion between him or his campaign. There apparently was Russian collusion with the Hillary campaign and even worse, it appears the Obama Administration politicized and…
It is simple: There Was No Collusion!
Notre Dame: A chronological breakdown on what happened. Some excellent information. Visit the link Mueller Report: Here we are. NO Collusion. No Obstruction. The President could have defended himself/handled his frustration of the the witch hunt better… but the big news is that the Russians did try to meddle in our elections and the Obama…
Spygate Worse Than Watergate
This is just starting to unfold. The Obama Administration was clearly in collusion, if not planned, orchestrated and approved “spygate†at the highest levels of the their Administration. A key question, as always, will be “what did President Obama know and when?†The idea that our intelligence services and law enforcement services were weaponized for…
NATO – Important & Effective
Our NATO alliance is still the most effective and important alliance the world has ever seen. Some NATO members have to step up their financial commitments to the alliance and stop playing games that put the alliance at risk. But the stability and safety NATO has provide for much of the world is well worth…
No Collusion – No Obstruction – Top Takeaways
After 675 days, an enormous amount of manpower and resources, the Attorney General’s office reported today that the Special Counsel found no evidence of collusion in the 2016 election. The Department of Justice also found no evidence of obstruction of justice concerning the investigation. The Mueller investigation will go down in history as one of…
Grandpas Rock!
College Tuition Loans Based on Ability to Re-Pay: What if all of a sudden, student loans were given to those who were getting degrees that prepared you for jobs that could pay back those loans? If you want to go to college for “the experience†don’t depend on the government or others to pay your…