Saul’s News

Voting – Citizens vs Illegal Immigrants?

Walls, Guns & Wealth: Today’s Democrat Party and leftist activists feel the same way about walls, guns and wealth. It’s OK for them BUT not OK for you/us. Why voters (at least legal voters who are citizens) still support these Democrats is beyond me. The hypocrisy is astounding. State Legislative Suggestion for Electoral Reform: I…

Don’t Let the Old Man In

I celebrated my birthday this week, turning 60. I’m looking forward to joining the 60 Plus Association and helping “older” Americans live better… and hopefully longer. Toby Keith wrote a great song that one of my favorites, Clint Eastwood, starred in the video with a message worth sharing. Don’t let the old man in, I…

CPAC Reinvigorating Confab!

It’s hard not to participate at CPAC and not leave excited, fired-up and optimistic of the conservative movement! I first started attending CPAC in 1999 with “hundreds” of conservative activists, which has now turned into “thousands” in attendance. More importantly, key CPAC participants and members of the American Conservative Union that have been regulars here…

Autopsy of a Dead Coup

The witch hunt goes on. Purely politicized and devastatingly scary as government law enforcement can be politically weaponized. Read the article below. Let it sink in. This is a direct threat to our democratic republic. Unelected law enforcement politicos take justice into their own hands. Beware… regardless of what side you’re on. CPAC 2019: Thousands…

Is Justice Blind?

Apparently NOT if you’re an Obama Administration official. Lying to Congress is a crime and Roger Stone was arrested and charged with lying to Congress. If convicted, he should received the “appropriate” punishment based on the “blind” administration of crime and punishment. But…a big but, is if you are an Obama Administration member who lied…

R.I.P. John Dingell

The county lost a loyal public service this week. Our thoughts and prayers are with him family Although I didn’t always agree with him politics, I always enjoys our conversations, needling and his insights. He lived life to his fullest and left a lasting legacy. A Call for Bipartisanship and Compromise: President Trump laid it…

The Intolerant Looney Left

A bunch of Catholic High School kids come to DC to participate in a pro-life demonstration and get accosted by some guy with a drum. The mainstream media immediately jumps on the boys because they are wearing MAGA hats. The irony (free speech) and double standard that exists with unbelievably biased media is astounding. How…

Government Shutdown

The Democrats are playing political hardball. They clearly don’t care if there is a wall or is not a wall. They voted FOR it before. They just want to inflict as much political pain on President Trump as the can. I think its backfiring on Democrats. No offers of compromise, running off to Puerto Rico…

A New Congress

Well things are changing. Speaker Pelosi will be driving the House Democrats agenda. So far it sounds like investigations, impeachment and/or obstructionism. The good news is that the membership in Congress has also changed. Maybe, just maybe, with all the new freshmen we might find some “renegades” amongst the Democrats who are actually willing to…