Western Civilization and America as We Know it is at Risk
Is Someone Trying to Destroy Us? Please read the article below by Victor Davis Hansen. He lays out eleven now-familiar steps to civilizational destruction. It’s really worth understanding. Election Year: It’s here. Everywhere you look, …
Why are Democrats supporting open borders?
Biden’s ‘Free Stuff’: There is NO such thing. The government can’t give something to someone until it FIRST takes something away from someone else. This blatant attempt by Biden and the Democrats to …
Biden’s America – Democrats’ Illegal Immigration Policy is NOW an Invasion
Illegal Immigration Turns Into An Invasion: Biden and the Democrats… ALL of them… are supporting open border policies that have brought MILLIONS, if not 10 MILLION plus illegal immigrants to your neighborhood. Yes, …
Biden – Disastrous Student Loan Policies that America Can’t Afford
Biden’s Student Loan Gambit: Unbelievably Unfair! Biden clearly believes in the saying, “If you rob Peter to pay Paul, you can usually count on Paul’s support.” …and his message to taxpayers… screw …
Biden – Disastrous Policies That America Can’t Afford
Biden’s State of the Union: Embarrassing. He came off like an angry old man yelling at the neighbors about who knows what. If you were hoping for the angriest, loudest, most partisan, and unhinged …
Biden Losing in ALL Seven Battleground States
Joe Biden’s Got a Problem: A big one! In a poll this week, Trump beat Biden in all seven of the potential key battleground states in a head-to-head matchup. He’s pissed off the …
America is Waking Up…Polls Show Democrats in BIG Trouble
Biden’s Chinese Spies: It’s happening…Biden and the Democrats’ open border policies are now playing into our potential enemies’ hands. There are more Chinese nationals coming over than Mexicans… Read the article below. …
Why NOT Fair, Transparent & Verifiable Elections? Ask a Liberal!
Ukraine: It’s in the best interest of the United States to continue funding the defense of Ukraine and sticking with our NATO allies. It’s “popular” to somehow make the argument that we can …
Trump Has a Great Week – Biden NOT So Much!
Biden – Wow!!!: Wow is about all you can say when it comes to Department of Justice special counsel ROBERT HUR’s report. Just wow! The Special Counsel’s report reads “We have also considered …
Democrat’s America Gives YOU The Middle Finger!
Democrat’s America: No photo, no one act, better describes what Democrats have done to America than the lead article below. Biden and the Democrats have abused the system for some perverted political …