Democrats HATE Trump So Much…: See the article about Senator Chis Murphy below. The Democrats are so hell bent on blaming anything and everything on President Trump that they will go on national TV (albeit a small audience on CNN) and make the argument China and the World Health Organization did NOTHING wrong.
If China didn’t notify anyone of the coming pandemic, if the WHO mimicked the same deceptive message and the United States and others reacted with caution and realities on the ground as we knew them…it’s Trump’s fault.
Next, see how they blocked additional funds for loans for small businesses that employ over HALF of the American workforce to attempt to blackmail the Senate and the President for their pork projects. They agreed on a bipartisan fashion to send help, but then use every opportunity to spend more, play politics and help their political friends versus the American worker!
I have to believe the American people will see through the crap the Democrats and the mainstream media are pushing in their unbridled hatred for this President.
Hey, could he and the government have done a better job, a different way, a more cautionary tone etc…of course! But we are a country that cherishes our liberty and we tread very carefully before giving it up…voluntarily or by force.
Let’s keep all of this in perspective.
CoronaVirus: Be smart. Pay attention to the advice health care professionals are giving. Be diligent about your habits. Do your part to help. This is serious and should be taken seriously.
It’s a problem. It was not Trump’s fault. The haters just have to get over it and pitch in to help make this better. Let’s learn from this and be a better country for it.
It isn’t and shouldn’t be political.
It’s a pandemic. The world was NOT ready for this. We need to ALL do our part. Follow the advice, keep your distance, touch less, clean everything and say a little prayer, it can’t hurt!
-Saul Anuzis
Click Here for Past Commentary from Saul

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Weekly News Video Summary:
An op-ed in The Washington Times by 60 Plus Chairman Jim Martin states: Neodron wants to deny seniors access to high-tech health care
The advantages telehealth holds for seniors are being jeopardized by the profit-motivated legal actions of a company called Neodron. Based in Ireland, the company has filed actions against several tech companies that would literally ban more than 90 percent of smartphones and millions of tablets and laptops from the United States.
Health insurers warn of higher premiums without coronavirus funding
Health insurance companies and employers are lobbying Congress for financial help, warning that COVID-19 treatment and testing may lead to large premium increases next year.
Supreme Court to hear oral arguments by telephone
The Supreme Court announced on Monday that it will hear oral arguments by telephone conference next month, including in a landmark case involving President Trump’s financial records.
Watch our Weekly News Summary Video Here
Trump unveils ‘Opening Up America’ plan, aims for May 1
President Trump on Thursday announced new guidelines for reopening states as soon as May 1 now that the coronavirus appears to be peaking in the US, but he left the decision up to each state’s governor while recommending criteria that would have to be met for each to gradually reopen.
“America wants to be open, and Americans want to be open,” Trump said at the White House during the daily Coronavirus Task Force press briefing.
“Based on the latest data, our team of experts agree we can start the next front in our war, which we are calling Opening Up America Again, and that is what we are doing, opening up our country, and we have to do that.”
Trump stressed that getting the economy back in gear soon would help America recover from the pandemic.
“As I have said for some time now, a national shutdown is not a sustainable long-term solution. To preserve the health of our citizens, we must also preserve the health and functioning of our economy. Over the long haul, you cannot do one without the other,” he said.
Fauci Destroys Journalist for Asking if He’s ‘Doing This Voluntarily’ and for Accusing Trump of Not Listening to Health Experts
On CNN’s State of the Union on Sunday, Dr. Fauci made comments that were wildly distorted by the media. “You could logically say that if you had a process that was ongoing and you started mitigation earlier, you could have saved lives,” he said. “Obviously, no one is going to deny that. But what goes into those kinds of decisions is complicated. But you’re right. Obviously, if we had, right from the very beginning, shut everything down, it may have been a little bit different. But there was a lot of pushback about shutting things down.”
During the Coronavirus Task Force briefing on Monday, Dr. Fauci sought to clarify those comments, and make it clear that despite the way the media was spinning it, the first time he and Dr. Birx recommended “shutting down” the country to mitigate the spread of the virus Trump listened.
Dems block McConnell bid to swiftly approve $250B more for small business fund
$250 billion urgent request to shore up a depleting small business fund failed to pass the Senate Thursday after Democrats objected to the measure pushed by the White House and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.
With lawmakers home and social distancing, McConnell sought to pass the cash infusion swiftly Thursday by unanimous consent with a skeleton group of senators, but Democrats blocked the effort because they want add-ons to help businesses in disadvantaged communities and an additional $250 billion in funds for other priorities.
The extra funding is being sought amid concerns that the original $350 billion program to help businesses stay afloat during the coronavirus pandemic could run dry in the near future in the face of an enormous demand.
The stalemate in the Senate comes as a record-breaking number of Americans have filed for unemployment with the economy shutting down nationwide under stay-at-home orders. New jobless numbers out Thursday morning show a total of 16.8 million Americans have filed for unemployment benefits in the last three weeks.
Chris Murphy: China And The World Health Organization Did Nothing Wrong
Democratic Connecticut Sen. Chris Murphy exonerated China of any wrongdoing over the global pandemic stemming from the novel Wuhan coronavirus on Tuesday.
“The reason that we’re in the crisis that we are today is not because of anything that China did, is not because of anything the WHO [World Health Organization] did,” said Murphy during a prime-time interview with CNN’s Anderson Cooper.
The Connecticut senator’s defense of China comes on the same day President Donald Trump announced from the White House Rose Garden that the United States would halt funding for the WHO and would review its “role in severely mismanaging and covering up the spread of the coronavirus.”
According to Forbes, the United States is the primary source of WHO funding with nearly $58 million given to the WHO this year. China so far, is the second highest contributor to the organization having given nearly $29 million.
Democratic State Lawmaker in Georgia Breaks Party Ranks With Trump Endorsement
A polarizing Democratic state lawmaker in Georgia broke party ranks on Tuesday to endorse President Donald Trump’s reelection.
State Rep. Vernon Jones, who represents portions of metro Atlanta’s DeKalb and Rockdale counties, told the Atlanta Journal-Constitution that he’s supporting Trump because of the Republican president’s handling of the economy and his criminal justice reform efforts.
“There are a lot of African Americans who clearly see and appreciate he’s doing something that’s never been done before,” Jones told the newspaper.
Russia paid a heavy price to end the oil price war
Vladimir Putin’s deal with OPEC to cut oil output and boost prices three years ago was a triumph for the Russian leader, bolstering his clout on the global stage. But now he’s had to make stinging concessions after U.S. President Donald Trump stepped in to end a price war.
Amid relief in Moscow at the unprecedented deal with Saudi Arabia and other major producers to slash oil output, the accord marks a painful setback for Russia, said two people close to the Kremlin.
Putin had catapulted Russia into a dominant role in global energy politics and drove a wedge between the U.S. and its Saudi ally, as the two marshaled producers to limit supplies. But it’s now clear he overplayed his hand when he refused to meet Saudi demands to double output cuts just five weeks ago. OPEC’s biggest producer cranked up output in a price war that crashed the market just as the spread of coronavirus demolished demand.
With markets collapsing, Putin agreed to cut more than 2.5 million barrels a day of crude from the 11 million of combined crude and condensate Russia pumps each day, more than four times the reduction that he turned down in early March and more than what Saudi Arabia is obliged to cut from its output level last month. Meanwhile, hopes that the U.S. would formally commit to its own curbs have evaporated, even as Trump takes credit for bringing about the new deal.
The ill-fated decision to face off against Saudi Arabia in early March was “a strategic mistake and now we’re paying the price, a much higher price than we could have paid,” said Andrey Kortunov, director of the Kremlin-founded Russian International Affairs Council. “This looks like a victory for the U.S., and Russia ends up a bigger loser than Saudi Arabia.”
With the world distracted, China intimidates Taiwan – Chinese warships and fighter jets are testing Taiwan’s defences
THE TANKS queued patiently with the cars, delivery trucks and bright yellow taxis before rolling serenely through the traffic lights. The drill, in Yuanshan, a town south-east of Taipei, was intended as practice at repelling a Chinese invasion. Some of the tanks, covered in webbing, hid in a copse, about as inconspicuously as is possible for a 50-tonne vehicle. The unit had good reason to be rehearsing. In recent months China has been rattling more sabres than usual at Taiwan, which it considers part of its territory. With covid-19 subsiding in China but consuming America, some in Taiwan feel vulnerable.
China sends around 2,000 bomber patrols a year into the Taiwan Strait, which separates the two countries, according to Taiwan’s defence minister. These are taking increasingly menacing routes. In 2016, when Tsai Ing-wen, an opponent of reunification with China, was first elected Taiwan’s president, China began sending bombers to circumnavigate the island as a show of force. Last year it deliberately sent fighters across the mid-point of the strait for the first time in two decades. In December China’s first domestically built aircraft carrier, the Shandong, was sent through the strait two weeks before Taiwan’s presidential election, in which Ms Tsai won a second four-year term.
In China, This Coronavirus App Pretty Much Controls Your Life
First, there was “flattening the curve.”
For many parts of the world, that conversation is now shifting towards “contact tracing” — keeping track of those who tested positive, negative, and those who are at risk of being exposed — as governments grasp for a solution to reopening their economies in a post-peak coronavirus world.
But the threat of a resurgence is still top of mind. Open too quickly, and cases will surge. Too late, and the economic consequences will be even more devastating than they already are.
China has taken the lead with mobile technology that relies on scanning QR codes and an app. The goal is to curb the spread of the coronavirus by indicating who can go where, CNN reports.
“Technology now plays a critical role in containing the pandemic,” Xian-Sheng Hua, a health AI expert at China’s e-commerce giant Alibaba, told CNN.
Here’s how it works: Chinese citizens have to give up their national identity number or passport number, as well as their phone number. The app then asks them to complete a questionnaire about travel history and current symptoms. According to CNN, authorities then verify this information and are assigned a color.
Coronavirus Has Hit the U.S. Military, and America’s Adversaries Are Seeking Advantage
A U.S. P-8A reconnaissance plane was soaring above the Mediterranean Sea on Wednesday when a Russian SU-35 fighter jet appeared on its tail. For 42 minutes, U.S. Navy officials say, the Russian pilot flew in an “unsafe” manner—at one-point flying upside down and sweeping within 25 feet of the plane’s nose.
The high-stakes intercept, which U.S. officials say put the American aircrew at risk, was just one in a string of incidents that took place over a roughly 24-hour period in which American military resolve was tested across the globe. No Americans killed or injured during any of these events, but the timing was no coincidence. With novel coronavirus cases among U.S. service members now at 2,486 and climbing, America’s adversaries are emboldened to test U.S. military dominance, current and former Defense Department officials tell TIME.
Elon Musk: ‘What I Find Most Surprising Is That CNN Still Exists’
Tesla CEO Elon Musk blasted CNN for the liberal network’s report that claimed the entrepreneur failed to deliver ventilators he promised to give to California hospitals.
In a story on Wednesday, CNN quoted the California governor’s office, which said it had not heard of any hospital system in the state receiving any of the promised ventilators.
“Three weeks after Tesla CEO Elon Musk said he had obtained more than 1,000 ventilators to help California hospitals treating patients infected with the coronavirus, the governor’s office says none of the promised ventilators have been received by hospitals,” CNN’s verified Twitter account tweeted.
Musk said he wasn’t surprised by the report, but added in a post on Twitter, “What I find most surprising is that CNN still exists.”