CPR letter Supporting Barrett Nomination

The Honorable Lindsey Graham Chairman
Senate Judiciary Committee
224 Dirksen Senate Office Building Washington, D.C. 20510

Dear Chairman Graham:

Conservatives for Property Rights (CPR), a coalition of policy organizations representing hundreds of thousands of Americans and standing for the central importance of private property rights to the welfare and flourishing of the American people, writes in strong support of Senate confirmation of Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the U.S. Supreme Court.

As a judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit, Judge Barrett has scrupulously applied the law according to the statutory language, rather than substituting personal policy preferences or divining meanings that just are not there. Judge Barrett’s jurisprudence, as evidenced in the cases she has adjudicated and the more than 100 opinions she has authored, gives assurance that she will perform the duties of Supreme Court justice in faithfulness to the actual Constitution, the actual language of a law, and the Founders’ original intent in the words they committed to paper in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

Legal observers have noted Judge Barrett’s fidelity to the rule of law and to due process. Judge Barrett’s guiding principles of the rule of law, fairness, and due process may scare her opponents so badly because these are fundamental to justice. We expect her jurisprudence to reflect unwavering devotion to core constitutional rights because of her principles.

We further expect a Justice Barrett to safeguard sacred, constitutional private property rights, whether land or possessions or one’s original compositions or inventions are involved in a case. Her distinguished record of scholarship and depth of intellect both as a jurist and as a member of the faculty of the Notre Dame Law School reflect the rigor, thought, understanding, and acuteness of mind that result in affording the due respect for their private property rights and the protection afforded by the rule of law.

CPR urges the Judiciary Committee and the U.S. Senate to confirm Judge Barrett as Justice Barrett, without delay.


James Edwards
Executive Director
Conservatives for Property Rights

Kevin L. Kearns
U.S. Business & Industry Council

Seton Motley
Less Government

Jeffrey Mazzella
Center for Individual Freedom

C. Preston Noell III
Tradition, Family, Property, Inc.

Daniel Schneider
Executive Director
American Conservative Union

James L. Martin
60 Plus Association

Saulius “Saul” Anuzis
60 Plus Association

Ashley Baker
Director of Public Policy
Committee for Justice

Ed Martin
Phyllis Schlafly Eagles

Tom DeWeese
American Policy Center

Curt Levey
Committee for Justice

Paul Caprio
Family PAC Federal

Richard Manning
Americans for Limited Government

George Landrith
Frontiers of Freedom