Debate: The rules and “moderators” are all in Biden’s favor… it was the ONLY way the Biden Team would agree to debate President Trump.
We know the difference in policies.
Now we’ll see the difference in leadership, cognitive abilities, and style.
You choose.
Inflation: Since Biden took office…
Gas: +55%
Groceries: +21.2%
Eating Out: +22.2%
Baby Food: +28.4%
K-12 Food: +65.1%
Pet Food: +23%
Rent: +21.2%
Electricity: +29%
Natural Gas: +29%
Used Car: +20.9%
Airfare: +39.9%
Public Transportation: +27.2%
Real Average Weekly Earnings: -3.9%
Student Loans: It makes NO sense that the average taxpayer, someone who works for a living and pays their fair share, must pick up the tab for deadbeat former students and pay off their student loans.
You borrowed it, you owe it, you should have to pay for it.
Grossly unfair and another way liberals are destroying the basic fiber of our culture.
Elections have consequences.
Read more below and follow me on Twitter & GETTR – @sanuzis
–Saul Anuzis
Click Here for Past Commentary from Saul
Saul’s News Weekly Rewind Video
This Week: Bidenomics is closing a record number of businesses, Black pastor thanks Trump for coming to the hood, and Federal budget deficit is skyrocketing!
Links to the articles discussed in the video:

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‘The Emperor’s New Clothes’: More Democrats, Never-Trumpers Questioning Joe Biden’s Fitness for Office

The house I grew up in, a small, snug house on the banks of Bear Creek in Allamakee County, Iowa, was heated in winter by a combination of an LP gas furnace in the basement and a hand-built limestone fireplace and chimney, which required 4-5 cords of firewood a year to get the house through the winter. After I was grown and gone, Dad usually got in that firewood by himself, felling the trees, cutting and splitting the wood into fireplace-sized chunks, and stacking it, by himself. He outdid himself the last year my parents lived in that house, cutting, splitting, and stacking nearly six cords.
He was 85.
The point is, not everyone ages at the same rate, in the same way. Dad was physically robust and smart as a whip at 85. But at 81 years old, Joe Biden, the President of the United States, is clearly and undeniably failing. Even steadfast never-Trumpers and Democrats are starting to wonder what is to be done with poor old Joe:
Cost Of Federal Student Loans Nears $400 Billion

The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) has updated its baseline estimates of how much the federal student loan program will cost taxpayers, and the numbers aren’t pretty. The latest official estimates show that taxpayers will spend $393 billion on the federal student loan program between 2024 and 2034, or around $3,100 per household.
Around $221 billion of that cost comes from expected losses on the $1.1 trillion in student loans that the federal government will issue between 2024 and 2034, according to the CBO’s official accounting procedures. Using more comprehensive fair-value accounting techniques, losses on those loans could reach $278 billion. Another $34 billion will be spent administering the student loan programs.
The remaining $140 billion is down to re-estimates of the losses that taxpayers will bear on outstanding loans, thanks to President Biden’s efforts to expand student loan cancellation programs using executive authority. These include a new income-driven repayment program which will allow borrowers with incomes as high as $70,000 to make $0 monthly payments on their loans, as well as a recently announced rule to cancel some borrowers’ debts outright.
Democrats Are ‘Downplaying’ Illegal Immigrants Voting In US Elections

Democrats are downplaying the issue of illegal immigrants voting in U.S. elections amid concerns about election integrity, Daily Caller White House correspondent Reagan Reese warned Monday.
House Speaker Mike Johnson and former President Donald Trump discussed drafting legislation to require documentation of proof of citizenship in order to register to vote during an April meeting amid widespread concerns of illegal voting ahead of the 2024 election, NBC News reported. Democrats and the legacy media have simultaneously rushed to point out the rarity and illegality of non-citizens registering to vote.
“What was really interesting was that the political, the legacy media, Politico and Democrats became hyper focused on the fact that there is not widespread actual voting by illegals in federal elections and tried to downplay the concerns of Speaker Johnson and President Trump,” Reese said on “The Lars Larson Show.” “But right here in Washington D.C. where I’m based, illegals can vote in local elections. So that’s concerning for those voting in local elections. Those matter, too. They get to vote on whose mayor, who gets to represent them. And they do show up in the census, these illegal immigrants.”
Biden’s Latest Amnesty Is a Political Gamble He Will Lose

Though it may help his reelection campaign, Joe Biden’s new amnesty proposal is not just a campaign ploy. It’s much more than that – it’s another piece of the Democrats’ attempt to “fundamentally transform” America. And it must be reversed, as quickly as possible.
On Tuesday – at a White House event commemorating the 12th anniversary of President Barack Obama’s unveiling of his unconstitutional “Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals” (DACA) amnesty program for about 800,000 illegal aliens who arrived in the United States as children – Biden announced his own new executive order intended to shield from deportation a select group of illegal aliens living in the United States. In this case, Biden plans to shield illegal aliens who are married to U.S. citizens and who have lived here for at least ten years, and the under-21 children of illegal aliens who are married to U.S. citizens and who have lived here for at least a decade.
Under the plan, Biden would use his authority to grant the illegal alien spouses “parole in place,” and offer these select illegal aliens work permits, protection from deportation, and a route for them to obtain permanent legal resident status – the fabled “pathway to citizenship” – that bypasses current U.S. law…
…But it might not help at all. After all, the entire illegal immigration issue is cutting so badly against Biden that in a new CBS News/YouGov poll, 62 percent of adults polled said they would support “a new national program to deport all undocumented immigrants currently living in the U.S. illegally” – and even among Hispanic voters, 53 percent support a mass deportation. Further, if such a plan were to be implemented, according to the poll, 57 percent of Hispanics would back the involvement of local law enforcement agents in identifying the aliens.
So drawing attention to the issue of illegal immigration might not be helpful to his campaign at all. In fact, it could even backfire on him.
How California’s Paradise Become Our Purgatory

California has become a test case of the suicide of the West. Never before has such a state, so rich in natural resources and endowed with such a bountiful human inheritance, self-destructed so rapidly.
How and why did California so utterly consume its unmatched natural and ancestral inheritance and end up as a warning to Western civilization of what might be in store for anyone who followed its nihilism?
The symptoms of the state’s suicide are indisputable.
Governor Gavin Newsom enjoyed a recent $98 billion budget surplus—gifted from multibillion-dollar federal COVID-19 subsidies, the highest income and gas taxes in the nation, and among the country’s steepest sales and property taxes.
Yet in a year, he turned it into a growing $45 billion budget deficit.
At a time of an over-regulated, overtaxed, and sputtering economy, Newsom spent lavishly on new entitlements, illegal immigrants, and untried and inefficient green projects.
Newsom was endowed with two of the wettest years in recent California history. Yet he and radical environmentalists squandered the water bounty—as snowmelts and runoff long designated for agricultural irrigation were drained from aqueducts and reservoirs to flow out to sea.
Newsom transferred millions of dollars designated by a voter referendum to build dams and aqueducts for water storage and instead blew up four historic dams on the Klamath River. For decades, these now-destroyed scenic lakes provided clean, green hydroelectric power, irrigation storage, flood control, and recreation.
California hosts one-third of the nation’s welfare recipients. Over a fifth of the population lives below the property line. Nearly half the nation’s homeless sleep on the streets of its major cities.
The state’s downtowns are dirty, dangerous, and increasingly abandoned by businesses—most recently Google—that cannot rely on a defunded and shackled police.
We’re All Soviets Now

A government with a permanent deficit and a bloated military. A bogus ideology pushed by elites. Poor health among ordinary people. Senescent leaders. Sound familiar?
The witty phrase “late Soviet America” was coined by the Princeton historian Harold James back in 2020. It has only become more apposite since then as the cold war we’re in—the second one—heats up.
I first pointed out that we’re in Cold War II back in 2018. In articles for The New York Times and National Review, I tried to show how the People’s Republic of China now occupies the space vacated by the Soviet Union when it collapsed in 1991.
This view is less controversial now than it was then. China is clearly not only an ideological rival, firmly committed to Marxism-Leninism and one-party rule. It’s also a technological competitor—the only one the U.S. confronts in fields such as artificial intelligence and quantum computing. It’s a military rival, with a navy that is already larger than ours and a nuclear arsenal that is catching up fast. And it’s a geopolitical rival, asserting itself not only in the Indo-Pacific but also through proxies in Eastern Europe and elsewhere.
But it only recently struck me that in this new Cold War, we—and not the Chinese—might be the Soviets. It’s a bit like that moment when the British comedians David Mitchell and Robert Webb, playing Waffen-SS officers toward the end of World War II, ask the immortal question: “Are we the baddies?”
I imagine two American sailors asking themselves one day—perhaps as their aircraft carrier is sinking beneath their feet somewhere near the Taiwan Strait: Are we the Soviets?
Elon Musk advocates for ditching electronic voting machines, using paper ballots

‘The risk of being hacked by humans or AI, while small, is still too high,’ Musk wrote.
Business magnate Elon Musk has expressed the view that paper ballots, not electronic voting machines, should be used in elections.
“We should eliminate electronic voting machines. The risk of being hacked by humans or AI, while small, is still too high,” he tweeted.
‘This absolutely needs to happen.’
Musk made the comment in response to a post in which independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. called for utilizing paper ballots.
“US citizens need to know that every one of their votes were counted, and that their elections cannot be hacked. We need to return to paper ballots to avoid electronic interference with elections,” Kennedy declared. “My administration will require paper ballots and we will guarantee honest and fair elections.”
Republican Sen. Mike Lee of Utah advocated for using paper ballots and holding the vote on a single day.
Teamsters’ leader lands speaking slot at GOP convention

Teamsters union General President Sean O’Brien will be a guest at the Republican National Convention next month, with a speaking role that sharply contrasts with other labor leaders’ embrace of President Joe Biden.
Former President Donald Trump announced the appearance by O’Brien, whose union hasn’t made an endorsement yet, on his social media platform.
“Our GREAT convention will unify Americans and demonstrate to the nation’s working families they come first,” Trump posted on Truth Social. “When I am back in the White House, the hardworking Teamsters, and all working Americans, will once again have a country they can afford to live in and be respected around the world.”
A spokesperson for the Teamsters confirmed that O’Brien will participate in the GOP convention and has made an identical request to appear at the Democrats’ convention in Chicago the following month in August.
“This is truly unprecedented since it will be the very first time a Teamsters General President has addressed the RNC,” Kara Deniz said in a statement. “Our 1.3 million members represent every political background, and their message needs to be heard by as wide an audience as possible, and that includes all political candidates running for elected office.
“We appreciate former President Trump’s openness to inviting a labor leader to speak on behalf of working families.”
Meet The Dark Money Network Quietly Transforming America

To the outside observer, Arabella Advisors is nothing more than an accounting and human resources firm that helps charities get things done, not a billion-dollar political influence operation helping leftists remain in power.
But, in fact, it is the latter–although you’d never know it from the website. The organization certainly does not publicly hint that they run the largest political influence operation in America. Those who visit their site will be met with a simple slogan: “We help changemakers create a better world.” And who would impugn a noble goal like that?
A motivated researcher with a little grit might be able to find scattered stories about the multi-million dollar political operations Arabella has been tangled up in across the country for years, but there has never been one place to learn the full story. (RELATED: A Dem-Linked Dark Money Network Is Quietly Funding The ‘Misinformation’ Research Industry)
That changed this year with the publication of “Arabella: The Dark Money Network of Leftist Billionaires Secretly Transforming America,” written by Scott Walter, President of Capital Research Center and my boss. I will be offering my thoughts on the effort below. (Disclosure: It’s quite a thing to review a book published by your boss, but his biggest complaint has always been that he does not have enough critics. I intend to become one.)
As mentioned above, the average person, before reading “Arabella,” would have no idea that the company is one of the most powerful political forces in America. Today, when confronted by reporters, Arabella still maintains the pretense that it is nothing more than a back-office support team. This book takes that pretense, shreds it and scatters the pieces to the wind.
Morning Joe Has Become America’s Baghdad Bob

What happened to Joe Scarborough? At one point, he was considered a conservative Republican congressman from Florida. Today, he is a disgraceful fool spouting a never-ending array of talking points for President Joe Biden on cable news. His credibility as a journalist, although never very impressive, has completely evaporated.
His performances on MSNBC have become so laughable that the comparisons to “Baghdad Bob” are impossible to ignore. Of course, “Baghdad Bob,” was Saddam Hussein’s Information Minister, Mohammed Saeed al-Sahhaf.
During the Iraq War of 2003, he ludicrously claimed “The infidels are committing suicide by the hundreds on the gates of Baghdad.” The day before the fall of Baghdad, al-Sahhaf predicted that Americans “are going to surrender or be burned in their tanks. They will surrender, it is they who will surrender.”
After Saddam Hussein was ousted, al-Sahhaf was captured, interrogated, and later released. He retired from the propaganda business and is reportedly living in Qatar today.
Unfortunately, America’s “Baghdad Bob,” Joe Scarborough, is still broadcasting every weekday morning on MSNBC’s Morning Joe program. He provides his audience with a steady diet of leftwing guests, extreme hatred for President Donald Trump, and insufferable praise for President Biden.
He is ready, willing, and able to serve the Biden campaign in whatever capacity is needed. In 2020, he led the media charge claiming that the Hunter Biden laptop was “so obviously disinformation.” In fact, Scarborough blasted as “fools” those who believed the laptop was real. He claimed, “It’s unbelievable how stupid you think Americans are.”
Europe is turning right. Could Trump lead the way for US next?

Voters on the European continent are rebelling. They are moving away from entrenched liberal parties and their suffocating policies. Is America next?
Europeans are rebelling. They are dumping their long-ruling liberal parties, sick of suffocating climate diktats that have driven costs higher, unchecked immigration that has driven wages lower and a loss of sovereignty to the EU.
Can Americans be far behind? Will U.S. voters fire Joe Biden – fire his absurd EV mandates, his dangerous open border, his inflationary spending and his love of globalist institutions like the U.N. — and instead choose a return to Donald Trump and common sense?
The polls suggest it could happen; it wouldn’t be the first time that Europe has shown us the way.
In 1979, the British people upended England’s dominant Labour Party, which had ruled for 11 of the prior 15 years, and chose Maggie Thatcher, leader of the Conservative Party, to be the country’s first female prime minister. Her party promised to promote growth, reduce the role of government, bolster the UK’s defense and uphold the rule of law.
Eighteen months later, conservative Republican Ronald Reagan trounced incumbent Democrat President Jimmy Carter, winning 489 Electoral College votes to Carter’s 49, running on a similar platform.
Ex-CNN Analyst Breaks Down Just How ‘Pro-Biden’ His Former Network’s Rules Are In Upcoming Trump Debate

Former CNN political analyst Chris Cillizza on Monday said his previous network’s rules in its upcoming presidential debate largely benefit President Joe Biden over former President Donald Trump.
CNN on Saturday finalized the rules and format for the 90-minute June 27 debate, hosted by Jake Tapper and Dana Bash in Atlanta, which include muting microphones and barring a live studio audience. Cillizza on his YouTube channel broke down four of the rules, asserting three of them benefit Biden more than Trump.
Cillizza started off by saying the muted microphones will obviously benefit Biden. CNN has not explicitly stated whether Tapper and Bash will be in charge of the muting, but the network did state that moderators “will use all tools at their disposal to enforce timing and ensure civilized discussion.”
“I don’t love it from a debate perspective, but from a who does this benefit perspective, it clearly benefits Biden,” he said. “Because if you go back and look at the debates they had, they had two in 2020 between Biden and Trump. Trump just talks and talks and talks and talks, and that’s true in 2016 too. Like he just over and over and over and over again just talks. He interrupts, he bullies. You know, in 2020 Biden said, ‘Hey man, why don’t you just shut up?’”
Today’s String of Supreme Court Decisions Blew Up Another Liberal Narrative (Again)

The Supreme Court has not yet decided on the presidential immunity case involving former President Donald Trump, which could wreck the pending trials from Special Counsel Jack Smith on January 6 and classified document indictments. At the same time, the string of decisions today did unravel another trite liberal talking regarding our third branch of government: it’s a rogue, right-wing machine that’s out to destroy America.
The three decisions today obliterated that narrative. There were no 5-4 decisions, and some concurring and dissenting opinions were—wait for it—made up of diverse company. Law professor Jonathan Turley had a lengthy Twitter thread about today’s rulings…
…The Left knows the core pieces of their legislative agenda will be struck down by the courts, hence why they’ve focused on loading them with ideological psychopaths for the past generation or so. There is a plot to make the courts go rogue, but it isn’t from the Right. It’s from Joe Biden’s people, which has always been the case.
12 FAQs About Medicare

When you turn 65, you have to master a new health care system. We’re here to help.
The year 2024 will be record-breaking for retirement. In 2024, 11,200 Americans are expected to celebrate their 65th birthday every day until December. If you are turning 65 this year, you need to get up to speed on Medicare basics. There’s a lot at stake.
You have to pick supplemental insurance to fill Medicare’s coverage gaps, and you might have to switch to less-expensive versions of some medications. If you don’t sign up by the deadline or make other mistakes, you could end up with lifetime penalties, denied claims or big bills you shouldn’t have to pay.