It’s Still “The Economy Stupid”: Americans feel the pain and effects of Biden & Democrats failed policies EVERY day, EVERY week.
– Overall gas prices at the pump are up
– Weekly grocery prices are up
– Mortgage rates are up
– Credit card debt is up and growing
– Inflation is at 40-year record highs
How the Democrats think that voters will ignore these “kitchen table” issue, while forgetting those who empowered ANTIFA and BLM to riot in the streets, burn our cities, loot neighborhood stores is absurd.
It may not be showing up in all the polls due to the WOKE policies of the progressive left, but I’m convinced, from my conversations with voters and activists across the country, that there is a silent majority that wants to return to some sense of normalcy.
Add in discounting parental rights to know, Critical Race Theory, biological males playing in girls sports (let alone visiting their restrooms) and you have a recipe for electoral change.
Parent’s Right to Know Party: It’s finally happening. The crazy progressive left wing of the Democrat party is making the argument that parents don’t have the right to know…
The progressive left is pushing their “educational” and “social” agenda on our children and arguing teachers and school administrators can/should take the place of parents in making these kinds of decisions.
The Democrats are once again…going too far!
Children do NOT belong to the state, they belong to their family, their parents!
The looney left has now created the Parent’s Party…and it ain’t them.
Raising Issues: A credible, transparent government is critical. It doesn’t matter what branch raises issues and we should always investigate and verify facts, concerns and/or credible accusations.
However, jumping to conclusions, whether it’s about voter fraud or FBI biases, is unhealthy to our republic. Applying mass guilt to any group or organization is NOT a good thing.
We are a country based on the rule of law. There is a process, that is not always transparent, but what makes us different than any other country in the world is that we have a process that should play out. One big problem is partisan politics too often disrupts a fair, open, transparent process.
Remember, we have enemies abroad who have openly admitted that one of their major objectives was to create chaos from within. They have long funded, helped organize and supported groups that are stirring hate, mistrust, and polarization in America.
Be vigilant, diligent, and careful as to what you see, hear or read.
Watch KGB defector Yuri Bezmenov’s warning to America:
Read more below and follow me on Twitter & GETTR – @sanuzis
–Saul Anuzis
Click Here for Past Commentary from Saul
60 Plus Weekly Video Rewind
Joe Biden and Ron DeSantis set aside their political differences, Kamala Harris make a major mistake in Asia, and Mitt Romney refuses to endorse a fellow Republican!
Links to the articles discussed in the video:

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Sen. Johnson Wants To Save Social Security and Medicare

Americans are concerned about the future of our nation’s economy, and they have every reason to be.
Record inflation, rising prices at the pump, increased grocery costs, and supply chain shortages have been crippling families and small businesses around the country and there seems to be no end in sight.
While families, especially those on fixed incomes, are struggling to make ends meet, Washington politicians are continuing down a path of reckless spending and higher taxes that put the viability of some of our country’s core promises to seniors – Social Security and Medicare – on the line. Our national debt is severely increasing into an unimaginable number, and the Democrats continue to cash checks on the taxpayers’ dime without any regard for our future economic stability.
It is politically expedient to turn a blind eye to these looming problems. But while other politicians tell voters what they want to hear, Ron Johnson tells voters what they need to hear.
Contract With America: The Sequel

House Republican leaders have announced a plan they are calling a “Commitment to America” in time for the November election and presumably the presidential contest two years from now.
In unveiling the plan, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., has the party’s priorities right. The question is whether the Republican Party can survive the familiar and expected Democrat and media onslaught we have seen before, the one that claims the GOP will end Social Security and Medicare and harm children.
The Commitment to America plan promises to reduce government spending (the main driver of debt that accompanies record high inflation), control the southern border and the migrants and drugs pouring in, and attack violent crime.
These issues have worked well for Republicans in the past. The problem has been sustaining them against opposition from Democrats, much of the media, and interest groups that later would be characterized as “the swamp.”
It would be helpful if McCarthy and his colleagues would tell us which government programs they will cut, but perhaps they don’t wish to telegraph anything to prevent Democrats from mischaracterizing the plan. Not that they won’t anyway.
In this “sequel” to the “Contract With America” of 1994 from then-Reps. Newt Gingrich, R-Ga., and Dick Armey, R-Texas, Republicans are again promoting some of the same ideas that created their first House majority in 40 years.
Good Luck Getting ‘Affordable Care’ With Democrats’ Latest Medicare Maneuver

Democrats insist that further tinkering with health care will make it more accessible, but evidence suggests it will cost people dearly.
he Biden administration announced it would again reduce payments to Medicare physicians, this time by 8.42 percent. According to a recent survey, 92 percent of medical group practices report that Medicare payments do not cover the cost of providing care.
The federal government can stay in business when it takes in less revenue than it expends. Why? Because it can print money and no one else can. To stay in business, physicians will have to reject Medicare patients; access will decrease once again. And with Democrats pushing legislation like the wrongly named Inflation Reduction Act, things will only get worse.
The Affordable Care Act (ACA) took $716 billion from Medicare to pay for non-medical, bureaucratic spending. Before the ACA, the average maximum wait time to see a primary care doctor was an unacceptable 99 days. After Obamacare was implemented with its cuts to physician payments, wait times increased to a medically unconscionable 122 days. Patients have to wait four months to find out if belly pain is gas, an ulcer, or cancer. With the latest round of cuts, the wait times could stretch from months to years.
In hearings prior to the passage of the ACA, Robert Moffit of the Heritage Foundation warned Congress, “You can’t get more of something by paying less for it.” Democrats disregarded this obvious economic truism in 2010 and are doing so again in 2022.
If further cuts are made to Medicare in the pursuit of spending “health care” dollars elsewhere, this will literally cause death by preventing Medicare patients from getting access to care. Accountants for the Medicare Trust have reported the trust will be insolvent by 2026, less than four years hence. At that time, Medicare will run out of money, there will be no accepting physicians, and seniors will die from lack of hospital care.
Death-by-queueing refers to patients dying waiting in line for technically possible but unavailable life-saving care. Such avoidable deaths have been documented in Medicaid programs as well as government-supported Tricare for veterans. Twelve-year-old Deamonte Driver died from a dental cavity because no pediatric dentists in his area would accept the low Medicaid rates. In Illinois, 752 Medicaid enrollees died waiting for life-saving care that never came. An internal VA audit reported that “47,000 veterans may have died” waiting in line for care. The bottom line is that as the government increases its spending on expensive insurance policies, the public’s access to care decreases.
The reality of “can’t get more by paying less” is ignored by Biden’s latest health care scam built into the Inflation Reduction Act. The bill allows Medicare to directly negotiate drug prices with pharmaceutical companies. Through the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, Washington will simply dictate drug prices similar to how a 4-year-old negotiates with a tyrannosaurus rex.
History shows what invariably happens when prices are pre-determined: shortages occur of current drugs, and the development of new drugs halts. However, despite this, market forces work even when government distorts the market. When prices are fixed by the government rather than market variables and determined by millions of consumer choices, suppliers must react or go out of business. When revenue goes down by fiat, suppliers — manufacturers or service providers — compensate by cutting their costs by reducing quality, lowering production, or both.
Biden’s “negotiated” Medicare prices will cause shortages of desperately needed drugs, and worse, the development of new medicines will cease.
GOP Path to Senate Majority Runs Through Nevada and Georgia

For Republicans to take control of the United States Senate after the midterm elections, they need to gain a net of just one seat. Yet several election modelers give the Democrats at least a two-thirds chance to keep control.
Why have the GOP’s Senate chances been relegated to a 1-in-3 shot? Because, with Dr. Mehmet Oz running poorly in his attempt to keep Pennsylvania’s seat out of Democratic hands, Republicans have only one solid geographic path to victory: flipping both Nevada and Georgia. Those are the only two states where the Republican challenger is running neck-and-neck with a Democratic incumbent.
The Republican map has shrunk with Arizona’s Blake Masters trailing Democratic incumbent Mark Kelly by six percentage points, and New Hampshire’s Don Bolduc down eight points against Democratic incumbent Maggie Hassan, according to RealClearPolitics poll averages. Sen. Rick Scott, who heads the Republicans’ national Senate campaign arm, not too long ago spoke optimistically of expanding the map into Colorado, Connecticut, and Washington State, but that looks fantastical at the moment.
Granted, we should be careful not to treat poll numbers as gospel, especially considering the 2020 Senate elections featured some very big whiffs. Maine’s Susan Collins didn’t lead in a single autumn survey yet won by nearly nine percentage points. Montana polls suggested a tight Senate race, but Steve Daines coasted to a 10-point victory. North Carolina’s Cal Cunningham was up by 2.6 points in the final RCP average, but Thom Tillis came out on top by 1.8 points.
Lack of border security turning 2022 into ‘the fentanyl election’

Two seasoned commentators are both citing a public threat that they believe has been enhanced and enabled by the open-border policy favored by many members of the Democratic Party, not to mention the White House.
“Even more than the economy, 2022 is the Fentanyl Election,” wrote columnist Roger L. Simon, who is the co-founder of PJ Media and came to this conclusion during a recent Republican Party event in Tennessee.
“It became clear that the greatest concern of this Republican activist crowd — even more than the rapidly escalating global economic calamity, China and Russia on the march, the recent local child abuse-by-transgenderism scandal at Vanderbilt University Hospital, and the devastating crime wave in our big cities (including Nashville) — was the open southern border with its unprecedented massive illegal immigration leading to even more massive deadly consequences,” Mr. Simon said in his column for the Epoch Times.
Others are also noting this trend.
“The Democrat’s open border policy kills: We lost over 70,000 Americans to fentanyl last year — more than we did in all 20-plus years in Vietnam. How can President Biden and Congressional Democrats defend their position of open border policies? The politics of opposing every policy that Trump implemented is childish, destructive, and naïve,” asked Saul Anuzis, former chairman of the Republican Party of Michigan.
“At some stage, voters across America will react and stop electing these misguided liberal, progressive Democrats that are clearly not your parents’ Democrat party,” Mr. Anuzis wrote in a column for, his personal site.
Sen. Hawley to introduce bill empowering states to deport illegal immigrants

Republicans have accused the Biden administration of not enforcing immigration law.
Legislation being introduced by Sen. Josh Hawley, R-Mo., on Tuesday would allow states to enforce federal immigration law, including the deportation of illegal immigrants – as Hawley calls for the U.S. to “take the gloves off” to fight unlawful immigration.
The “Empowering States to Deport Illegal Immigrants Act” would authorize state and local law enforcement officers to enforce certain federal immigration laws, and comes amid ongoing Republican claims that the Biden administration is refusing to secure the border.
The bill would effectively abrogate a 2012 Supreme Court case which significantly limited the ability for states to be involved in immigration enforcement. Instead, the bill would allow states to use their resources for immigration enforcement.
It would give power to state prosecutors to initiate prosecutions for violations of federal immigration law. States would be able to deport illegal immigrants and for border states to move to secure the border.
The Biden administration has argued that the border is “secure” and has said it is re-establishing legal asylum processes that are in accordance with U.S. law and that were torn down during the Trump administration.
However, Republicans have pointed to the more than 2.1 million encounters this fiscal year, a significant number of which have resulted in release into the U.S., as well as the more than half a million “gotaways” believed to have entered the U.S. They have attributed the enormous migrant surge to Biden-era policies, which have seen the end to Trump-era border enforcement mechanisms and a dramatic reduction of internal immigration enforcement.
Youngkin is ‘hugging everyone’ as he tries to build a brand as the GOP’s great unifier

Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin is crisscrossing the country this fall to stump for the whole gamut of Republican gubernatorial hopefuls – from ardent pro-Trumpers like Kari Lake of Arizona and Tudor Dixon of Michigan to establishmentarians like Jim Pillen of Nebraska. And on Tuesday, Youngkin joined the GOP governor Donald Trump hates the most, Georgia’s Brian Kemp.
In a GOP often plagued by factionalism, Youngkin is “hugging everyone,” said a person close to the governor. “No one else in the party is doing that.”
As a result, the governor who flipped a Biden state last year has become a sought-after surrogate for Republicans. By November, Youngkin will have campaigned for at least 10 gubernatorial candidates, including in many of what the Republican Governors Association considers top target races. Having kept the former President at a distance during his own campaign, Youngkin is now stumping for nominees who have been boosted by Trump and those, like Kemp and Pillen, who have defied Trump-backed primary challengers. Republicans currently control a majority of governorships, with 36 total seats up this year and more than a dozen competitive.
GOP candidates often beat the pollsters

The polls for Republicans in 2020 were awful. Awfully wrong.
So awful that the normally sedate Pew Research Center unleashed a post-election scolding to the polling triumvirate of media/colleges/consultants who consistently undercounted GOP chances.
“It’s clear that national and many state estimates were not just off, but off in the same direction: They favored the Democratic candidate,” Pew said in a post-Nov. 3 analysis.
The error gap is important, Republicans say because bloated Democratic poll numbers can tamp down fundraising and influence some voters to give up — before even voting. It is what Democrats would call “voter suppression.”
Seven weeks away from the Nov. 8 midterms, conservative backbiting has surfaced as they see the “generic congressional” poll in which voters are asked which party they will back tilt away from Republicans.
Will Putin’s gamble pay off?

Mass mobilisation is a symptom of Russia’s defeat.
Let that motherfucker send as many slaves as he wants. It won’t make any difference. We will send them back to Russia in boxes, like we did to the ones he sent already.”
“Ivan” pauses. He is involved in civilian resistance activities in Southern Ukraine, and he has pointed views on the occupiers, borne from first-hand experience. “Well, actually, the Russians generally just leave their dead behind in the field. So they don’t go back to Russia, in fact. We fertilise our soil with them.”
On the morning of 21 September, President Vladimir Putin went on Russian State TV to face his nation and, by proxy, the world. He told his people that there would be a mass but limited mobilisation for the war in Ukraine. He would be calling up “military reservists, primarily those who served in the armed forces and have specific military occupational specialities and corresponding experience”. It would be Russia’s first mobilisation since World War II, which he announced on the International Day of Peace. For all his flaws, Putin does have a sense of humour.
The speech comprised Putin’s usual mix of mendacity, self-pity and delusion: a toxic combination in autocrats that invariably leads to violence (just ask the people of Iran). He began by talking about the need to protect the “sovereignty, security, and territorial integrity of Russia”. By this, he meant areas inside Ukraine that Russia has stolen and now occupies.
How Civilizations Will Be Decided

Fewer babies will be born in all of Europe than in Nigeria alone.
In Europe, “at the rate at which things are going, the population will have halved before 2070, with the continent at risk of losing 400 million inhabitants by 2100,” noted James Pomeroy, an economist at China’s HSBC bank.
The growth of the world population has already reached its lowest rate since 1950 and Europe’s population will continue to contract until the end of the century, noted the Financial Times, citing the United Nations World Population Prospects report.
A collateral question is: where?
In the next four minutes 1,000 children will be born: 172 in India, 103 in China, 57 in Nigeria, 47 in Pakistan — but in all of Europe, only 52.
India, next year, is expected to overtake China as the world’s most populous country. India will also be 20% Muslim as well as the world’s largest Islamic community. How will this demographic trend impact the fragile coexistence between Muslims and Hindus?
The Myth of American Income Inequality

The Census Bureau does not count two‐thirds of government subsidies to households (called transfer payments) as income or any taxes taken as reductions to income, so, it overstates both income inequality and poverty. Counting all subsidies and taxes shows that income inequality is far less than claimed and continuing to fall.
These overstatements have justified higher subsidies to lower‐income households, that in turn have caused twice as many work‐age adults in lower‐income households to stop working.
By not counting two‐thirds of all transfer payments as income to the recipients of the transfers and not counting taxes paid as income lost to taxpayers, government statistics dramatically overstate income inequality.
Income inequality is lower today than it was three‐quarters of a century ago. The facts reveal a very different and better America than the one currently described in debates across much of the political spectrum.
30 ex-FBI agents stand up to support whistleblower who exposed agency’s political bias

Thirty former FBI agents, including a retired deputy assistant director, head of counterterrorism and five SWAT team members, have spoken out publicly in support of suspended FBI whistleblower Stephen Friend.
Their heartfelt messages, obtained exclusively by The Post, show a deep and widespread anguish about the politicization of the FBI.
“It’s time to stop the FBI from being the enforcer of a political party’s ideology,” says Ernie Tibaldi, a retired agent from San Francisco. “We need to re-establish the FBI as the apolitical and independent law enforcement entity that it always was.”
He expressed gratitude to Friend “for having the courage to stand up to the corruption that has taken over the leadership of the FBI.”
Many former agents hailed Friend, a SWAT team member in Florida, as a “hero” after he was punished for refusing to participate in what he regarded as unnecessarily heavy-handed SWAT raids over Jan. 6 misdemeanors.
In his whistleblower complaint to the Department of Justice inspector general, Friend alleged that the FBI has been manipulating case-file management in order to falsely inflate the threat of domestic terrorism, and using unconstitutional excessive force against political dissenters.
This is scary: FBI Whistleblower: The Enemy Within

In this exclusive interview, Turning Point USA sits down with former FBI Special Agent, John Guandolo. This crucial conversation sheds light on the undiscussed network of jihadists and communists that have worked together to undermine America at its root for decades. From 9/11, to the Las Vegas shooting, to January 6, the Mar-a-Lago raid, Ray Epps, and the NSA – John tells truths that American intelligence agencies have long sought to deprive every American citizen of.
For years, Americans have failed to realize that our greatest enemy has not been an ocean away. Our adversaries are HERE on American soil – present within our institutions – and advising those who are sworn to represent us throughout the highest levels of our federal government. The most important battle being waged today is taking place WITHIN our intelligence agencies. The tyranny running rampant throughout the federal government cannot persist against the truth, which makes this a message they DON’T want you to hear.
Sen. Chuck Grassley: No sunsetting Social Security

U.S. Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, said he does not support putting Social Security up for periodic reauthorization and would avoid cutting benefits to retirees if changes to Social Security were made under a Republican Congress.
Democrats have locked in on Social Security as a campaign issue during the midterm elections, criticizing proposals from some Republicans to subject the program and other federal legislation to periodic review. Grassley is seeking reelection and is challenged by Democrat Mike Franken, a former Navy admiral from Sioux City.
“If we do anything on Social Security, one thing I want to make clear, we aren’t going to cut any benefits for people that are in retirement or near retirement,” Grassley told reporters on Wednesday.
President Joe Biden went after Sen. Rick Scott’s 12-point policy plan in a speech on Tuesday, saying the plan would jeopardize Social Security and Medicare every five years. In the plan, Scott calls for all federal legislation to sunset after five years, requiring Congress to pass it again.
Outsourced censorship: Feds used private entity to target millions of social posts in 2020

Biden administration gave millions in tax dollars to groups after election, records show. Election Integrity Partnership says it had 35% success rate getting tech platforms to label, remove or restrict content.
Aconsortium of four private groups worked with the departments of Homeland Security (DHS) and State to censor massive numbers of social media posts they considered misinformation during the 2020 election, and its members then got rewarded with millions of federal dollars from the Biden administration afterwards, according to interviews and documents obtained by Just the News.
The Election Integrity Partnership is back in action again for the 2022 midterm elections, raising concerns among civil libertarians that a chilling new form of public-private partnership to evade the First Amendment’s prohibition of government censorship may be expanding.
The consortium is comprised of four member organizations: Stanford Internet Observatory (SIO), the University of Washington’s Center for an Informed Public, the Atlantic Council’s Digital Forensic Research Lab, and social media analytics firm Graphika. It set up a concierge-like service in 2020 that allowed federal agencies like Homeland’s Cybersecurity Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) and State’s Global Engagement Center to file “tickets” requesting that online story links and social media posts be censored or flagged by Big Tech.
Three liberal groups — the Democratic National Committee, Common Cause and the NAACP — were also empowered like the federal agencies to file tickets seeking censorship of content. A Homeland-funded collaboration, the Elections Infrastructure Information Sharing and Analysis Center, also had access.
In its own after-action report on the 2020 election, the consortium boasted it flagged more than 4,800 URLs — shared nearly 22 million times on Twitter alone — for social media platforms. Their staff worked 12-20 hour shifts from September through mid-November 2020, with “monitoring intensif[ying] significantly” the week before and after Election Day.