Alexandria, Virginia (June 16, 2017) –The 60 Plus Association has joined with other grassroots organizations to send a message to Congress in opposition to proposed legislation that will overstep Congressional authority in order to enact tort reform.
“Although H.R. 1215 is called “Protecting Access to Care Act of 2017” sounds good, it’s not. What it will really do is advance the federalization of state tort law which I’m afraid will start unwarranted restriction on our freedoms,” stated Jim Martin, Chairman of the 60 Plus Association.
“On behalf of our more than 5 million senior supporters nationwide we certainly agree that tort reform is necessary to stop the hemorrhaging costs of health insurance and is imperative to make health care affordable for all but especially for seniors on fixed incomes. However, we urge Speaker Ryan and the House Leadership not to tread on states’ rights by throwing out the principles of our Constitution,” Martin continued.
“Thirty states have already enacted meaningful tort reform and several other states have limits on malpractice lawsuits, said Martin, who explained, “this is why 60 Plus is a co-signer of a non-partisan coalition letter that urges Speaker Ryan to defeat H.R. 1215. The letter can be read here.”
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