“This is what life is going to look like under ObamaCare”
(Silver Spring, MD) — Today the 60 Plus Association joined Avastin patients, their families and concerned friends in protesting the FDA’s apparent willingness to jeopardize the lives of almost 18,000 women taking the breast cancer drug Avastin.
60 Plus Chairman Jim Martin stated, “It’s a sad day for people in this country when our health care choices are taken out of our hands and put in the hands of Washington bureaucrats. These women and their families deserve the opportunity to consult with their doctors and make the choices that are right for them and their families. They shouldn’t have to beg Washington for a life saving drug.”
At FDA headquarters 60 Plus joined numerous patients and their families in a peaceful demonstration to help draw attention to the situation the FDA is putting many Avastin families in.
Martin continued, “The FDA is making a life and death choice for many of these women and its a scary thought to ask the rest of us ask ‘what’s next?'”