SpaceX and NASA: Congratulations! How awesome was that launch?!
George Floyd: NO excuses. This should have never happened. Justice must be served. This is not an excuse to destroy cities, rob stores or create chaos. Those hooligans belittle the importance for justice and reconciliation.
ANTIFA Deserves to be Arrested: “Rioting” & “looting” aren’t the same as “demonstrating” & “protesting.” These people are criminals trying to destroy our way of life.
Obamagate: The weaponization of both domestic and foreign intelligence against a presidential campaign from a sitting administration solely for political purposes to prevent the smooth transition of power and weaken his presidency to limit his legislative successes.
That’s what Obamagate is all about…they spied, they lied and tried to cover it up.
This should NEVER happen to ANY American…there should be bipartisan outrage!!!
CoronaVirus: Now the debate starts as to how we return to the new normal. Be smart. Pay attention to the advice health care professionals are giving. Be diligent about your habits. Do your part to help. This is serious and should be taken seriously.
It’s a problem. It was not Trump’s fault. The haters just have to get over it and pitch in to help make this better. Let’s learn from this and be a better country for it.
It isn’t and shouldn’t be political.
Use common sense, keep your distance, touch less, clean everything and say a little prayer, it can’t hurt!
-Saul Anuzis
Click Here for Past Commentary from Saul

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Links to the articles discussed in the video:
Anger Is Justified, Riots Never Are
Romanticizing disorganized violence is not just wrong in some factual way about how the world works; it’s depraved and vile.
Sometimes a responsibility falls to you that you never anticipated. Sometimes history just demands that someone should say it: Riots are bad. Riots are never a coherent or moral response to injustice, they just multiply injustices and the rioters themselves often suffer more in the long run.
Unfortunately it must be said, because absolute morons who would call the cops without hesitation if there were an unruly loudspeaker or birdwatcher in their nice neighborhoods are cheering on and excusing rioting — rioting that is destroying businesses, livelihoods, and even a community center for Native American youth. The apologists for rioting and arson accuse people who are appalled by these acts of not caring about injustices. It cannot be said emphatically enough: This is the precise opposite of the truth.
AG Barr Slams Radical Lefties for Hijacking Peaceful Protests
Attorney General William Barr on Saturday slammed left-leaning groups for hijacking those who have been peacefully protesting the death of George Floyd. According to Barr it has become apparent that people are crossing state lines to purposely incite violence.
“Unfortunately, with the rioting that is occurring in many of our cities around the country, the voices of peaceful protests are being hijacked by violent radical elements. Groups of outside radicals and agitators are exploiting the situation to pursue their own separate and violent agenda,” Barr said. “In many places it appears the violence is planned, organized, and driven by an anarchic and left-extremist groups, far-left extremist groups using Antifa-like tactics, many of whom have traveled outside the state to promote the violence.”
The Worst Governor in America
One word keeps recurring in online discussions of Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s latest orders to fight the state’s raging COVID-19 outbreak: “insanity.” Last week, the first-term Democrat issued an order extending the state’s stay-at-home policy, which had been set to expire April 15, until May 1. Michigan has the third-highest number of coronavirus cases of any state in America, and certainly strong measures are required to get the pandemic under control. But the devil is in the details, and Whitmer’s new order instantly provoked a firestorm of outrage.
Among the complaints was that Whitmer had prohibited sale of seeds and other garden supplies at a time when vegetable gardens need to be planted. Executive Order 2020-42 is titled, “Temporary requirement to suspend activities that are not necessary to sustain or protect life,” and it is quite specific about which activities are and are “not necessary.” Stores with “more than 50,000 square feet” (e.g., Walmart, Lowes, Home Depot) are ordered to close areas of the store “by cordoning them off, placing signs in aisles, posting prominent signs, removing goods from shelves, or other appropriate means” that sell carpet or flooring, furniture, and “garden centers and plant nurseries.” So if grandma went to Walmart for groceries and hoped to pick up some tomato plants or cucumber seeds while she was there — sorry, grandma! You could get a thousand-dollar fine and 90 days in jail for disobeying Whitmer’s orders
The Most Important COVID-19 Statistic: 43% Of U.S. Deaths Are From 0.6% Of The Population
‘Americans are vigorously debating the merits of continuing to lock down the U.S. economy to prevent the spread of COVID-19. A single statistic may hold the key to resolving this debate: the astounding share of deaths occurring in nursing homes and assisted living facilities.
Nursing homes and assisted living facilities: The #1 COVID problem
2.1 million Americans, representing 0.62% of the U.S. population, reside in nursing homes and assisted living facilities. (Nursing homes are residences for seniors needing help with activities of daily living, such as taking a shower or getting dressed, who also require 24/7 medical supervision; assisted living facilities are designed for seniors who need help with activities of daily living, but don’t require full-time on-site medical supervision.)
According to an analysis that Gregg Girvan and I conducted for the Foundation for Research on Equal Opportunity, as of May 22, in the 39 states that currently report such figures, an astounding 43% of all COVID-19 deaths have taken place in nursing homes and assisted living facilities.
Obamagate Gets Worse With DAMNING Declassified Memo
Operation Crossfire Hurricane, the FBI’s counterintelligence investigation into alleged links between the Trump campaign and Russia, was based on such weak “evidence” that a former FBI executive says it should have never been opened up “in a million years.”
A newly declassified memo dated July 31, 2016, which launched the entire investigation, was not based on any evidence of wrongdoing by members of the Trump campaign. As John Solomon at Just The News observes, the investigation was opened based on “a third-hand ‘suggestion’ of wrongdoing and the thinnest of suspicions that illegal foreign lobbying had occurred.” The memo makes clear that the criminal basis for Operation Crossfire Hurricane was suspected violations of the Foreign Agents Registration Act, but the memo does not identify a single incident showing the law was violated.
Elon Musk on his success: ‘America is the land of opportunity – there is no other country where I could have done this’
Growing up, Elon Musk read plenty of books but was especially inspired by science fiction.
The genre motivated him to create “cleaner energy technology or [build] spaceships to extend the human species’s reach” in the future, according to the book “Elon Musk: Tesla, SpaceX, and the Quest for a Fantastic Future” by Ashlee Vance.
With these goals in mind, Musk went on to start SpaceX in 2002 and Tesla in 2003. And now, he is on the precipice of a potentially historic launch for SpaceX on Wednesday, as the company plans for its first crewed mission of two NASA astronauts.
Looking back on his success, Musk in part credits the opportunity he found when he emigrated to the United States in 1992.
Inside the secret talks to overhaul the Republican Party platform
Driving the news: The Trump campaign’s Bill Stepien has been leading the process, working with campaign colleagues and the Republican National Committee. As with all significant campaign matters, they’ve been reporting back to Kushner.
The president’s son-in-law and top adviser has told confidants he wants to shrink the GOP’s extensive platform of policy beliefs and principles down to a single card that fits in people’s pockets. That’s a huge change. The 2016 platform runs 58 pages — the product of extensive debate and heated negotiations.
Kushner told colleagues he wanted “something like the 10 principles we believe in,” per two sources familiar with his comments. He asked Stepien to find historical examples of Republican platforms that look more like a “mission statement,” per a source familiar with one of their meetings.
Another source familiar with the discussions pointed to the GOP platform of 1856 as an example of a platform that is similarly short. The source used this example to argue that the idea of a one-page platform isn’t so new or radical after all.
‘US would lose Pacific war with China’
America would be defeated in a sea war with China and would struggle to stop an invasion of Taiwan, according to a series of ‘eye-opening’ war games carried out by the Pentagon.
The United States would be defeated in a sea war with China and would struggle to stop an invasion of Taiwan, according to a series of “eye-opening” war games carried out by the Pentagon.
American defence sources have told The Times that several simulated conflicts conducted by the US resulted in the conclusion that their forces would be overwhelmed by the Chinese. One simulated war game focused on the year 2030, by which time a modernised Chinese navy would operate an array of new attack submarines, aircraft carriers and destroyers.
The analysis also found that Beijing’s accumulation of medium-range ballistic missiles has already made every US base and any American carrier battle group operating in the Indo-Pacific Command region vulnerable to overwhelming strikes. The Pacific island of Guam, a base for American strategic bombers such as the B-2 and B-52, is now considered to be wholly at risk.
George Soros: We’re now in ‘revolutionary moment’ that allows us to achieve the ‘inconceivable’
In a new interview, the left-wing billionaire called the coronavirus pandemic ‘the crisis of my lifetime.’
May 15, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) – Left-wing billionaire George Soros has indicated that the coronavirus pandemic paves the way for societal changes previously thought impossible, calling it “the crisis of my lifetime.” Soros had lived through the Second World War as a youth.
“Even before the pandemic hit, I realized that we were in a revolutionary moment where what would be impossible or even inconceivable in normal times had become not only possible, but probably absolutely necessary,” he said during an interview on May 11.
Shoigu’s Image of Russia’s Armed Forces: Mobile, Modern and Efficient – Jamestown
May 21 marked the understated birthday celebration of Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, already the longest serving in the post since the dissolution of the Soviet Union. But the occasion also unexpectedly provided a public forum for a discussion of the current direction of the Armed Forces.
Following his appointment in November 2012, Shoigu has mirrored the overall aim of the commander-in-chief, President Vladimir Putin, to provide stability to the Russian military and enhance its status, while simultaneously building up hard-power capabilities through the constant attention to modernization. Much of the progress made during Shoigu’s term of office reflects decisions and ideas dating back to his predecessor; though the current defense minister’s survivability clearly reflects his close friendship with Putin (see EDM, February 5). One recent commentary in Nezavisimoye Voyennoye Obozreniye, published in conjunction with Shoigu’s birthday, specifically highlights his achievements (Nezavisimoye Voyennoye Obozreniye, May 22)