Congresswoman Debbie Lesko, Serving the Needs of Retirees
Washington, DC (April 21, 2020) –60 Plus Association President Saul Anuzis presented Congresswoman Debbie Lesko (AZ-8) with the American Association of Senior Citizens Legislator of the Month Award on Capitol Hill.
60 Plus Chairman Jim Martin said, “On behalf of more than five million senior citizen supporters we applaud Debbie Lesko for introducing H. Res. 61, Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives that Medicare and Social Security provide an essential benefit for current enrollees and should be strengthened for future generations.
“The award is presented to Democrats and Republicans in the House and Senate who are a proven leader on senior citizen issues, and we are pleased to present this award to Congresswoman Lesko who is someone not only seniors can count on but future generations as well,” Martin stated.
60 Plus President Saul Anuzis stated, “It is no secret that Medicare and Social Security are on shaky ground but this resolution helps to give seniors peace of mind by rejecting any changes that diminishes benefits for seniors currently enrolled in either program or those who are nearing enrollment.
“We appreciate your commitment to ensure that Medicare and Social Security will be there for senior citizens who have come to rely on these programs as they enter their retirement years,” Anuzis said.
“Seniors nationwide need this resolution to be more secure in their golden years and we thank you for your dedication and we stand ready to assist you as you continue to serve the needs of retirees,” Martin concluded.