Dear Mr. President: March 7, 2020
On behalf of our 5 million senior supporters nationwide, the 60 Plus Association is asking you to please help us protect them from big insurance companies. One of the most vulnerable demographics we have is our senior citizens, and they should not have to choose between buying food or paying for an “out of nowhere” surprise medical bill due to the greed of their insurance company.
Fortunately, most seniors can afford health insurance. Many of them, however, are living on fixed incomes and cannot afford to be lied to and used as pawns by Big Insurance so that the latter can protect their record profits. Surprise billing is devastating for seniors in what is supposed to be their golden years. Why should seniors literally have to pay the price because insurance companies, hospitals, and medical providers are unable to work together to hold patients harmless from large and unexpected bill during hospital stays?
We must stand up to Big Insurance and let them know that we will not allow them to endanger seniors’ health care. The responsibility of surprise billing falls on their doorstep and not on the back of seniors. Big Insurance must be held accountable and find commonsense solutions instead of expecting the government to bail them out.
Seniors pay plenty already in health insurance premiums–and then the insurance companies want to add insult to injury and not pay for essential services?! It is time that Big Insurance value the lives of senior citizens over the value of profit.
Thank you, Mr. President. We know you are a friend of seniors, and they need you to intervene on their behalf
against Big Insurance.

James L. Martin

Saulius “Saul” Anuzis