Contact: Tom Kise
September 16, 2010
(703) 535-3390
SCRANTON, PENN. – The 60 Plus Association, nationally recognized as the conservative alternative to the liberal AARP, today launched new television and web ads targeting Rep. Christopher Carney’s record in the U.S. House of Representatives. The organization will spend more than $435,000 in Pennsylvania’s 10th Congressional District.
“The Obama/Pelosi health care disaster really hurt seniors in Pennsylvania,” said Jim Martin, Chairman of 60 Plus. “With $500 billion cut from the Medicare budget, the quality of and access to care for America’s Greatest Generation is greatly degraded. Seniors needed someone in Washington who was going to stand up for our interests, and many thought that person was going to be Rep. Carney, but they were betrayed.”
Featuring voices from the district, the 30-second ad will begin airing on September 16. A full transcript of the television ad can be found below or a video of the ad can be found by clicking here.
Chris Carney has lost touch with Pennsylvania seniors…
And he’s lost our trust, too.
Carney ignored us and voted for Nancy Pelosi’s health care bill.
Carney voted with Pelosi to raise taxes…
…and cut $500 billion from Medicare.
That will hurt the quality of our care.
It’s no surprise Chris Carney betrayed us – he supports Pelosi’s agenda 91% of the time.
And if he’s voting with Pelosi – Pennsylvania is voting against him.
60 Plus Association is responsible for the content of this advertising.
The 60 Plus Association is an 18-year-old nonpartisan organization working for death tax repeal, saving Social Security, affordable prescription drugs, lowering energy costs and other issues featuring a less government, less taxes approach as well as a strict adherence to the Constitution. 60 Plus calls on support from nearly 5.5 million citizen activists. 60 Plus publishes a magazine, SENIOR VOICE, and a Scorecard, bestowing awards on lawmakers of both parties who vote “pro-senior.” 60 Plus has been called, “an increasingly influential senior citizen’s group” and since 1992 “the conservative alternative to the AARP.”