Rep. McKinley Off-base with Ryan Budget Medicare Comments

(Alexandria, Virginia) — U.S. Representative David McKinley (R-WV) received a scolding today from 60 Plus Chairman Jim Martin, leader of the nation’s largest conservative seniors organization with over 7.1 million senior supporters, for comments and characterizations McKinley made in his vote against the budget of House Budget Chairman Paul Ryan (R-WI), saying he could not support it, for among other reasons, due to the Ryan’s plans ‘drastic cuts’ in Medicare.

“It is perfectly acceptable for reasonable people to disagree on serious matters regarding our nation’s fiscal priorities, or take issue with one or several provisions in an all-encompassing budget package,” said Martin. “Every Member of Congress should vote his or her conscience. But what I find particularly troubling is Rep. McKinley’s rejection of Congressman Ryan’s plan while parroting the talking points of the Obama Administration and House Democrat caucus. Somebody ought to take his temperature, he may be running a fever.

“Representative McKinley’s words are unfortunate, to say the least. The Ryan budget plan is actually one of the few budget proposals in Washington that saves Medicare, both for current seniors and also future retirees. Yes, the program will look different, but that’s a financial reality regardless of whether we reform Medicare or slash it to the bone as the Democrats propose. The key decision to be made is whether the Medicare of the future will empower people with choices, in a way that saves patients and the Treasury money, or we keep the government-run model which promises severe cuts and control by President Obama’s IPAB bureaucrats.  I think the choice for conservatives is very clear.

“Congressman Ryan correctly points out that Medicare Part D came in 41 percent below budget projections, unheard of in a government program. The reason is simple; when you introduce choice and competition prices come down. This is the model we seek to preserve Medicare, which is another reason why Rep. McKinley’s comments are so off the mark.

“Nancy Pelosi is already telegraphing her dreams of the Democrats re-taking the House and putting up new wall paper in the Speaker’s office by way of bludgeoning Republicans with falsehoods on Medicare.  She and the Democrat Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) have been very clear that Medicare is their ticket back to the majority. Comments like Rep. McKinley’s only embolden them and provide the media with talking points to help make that happen. It’s extremely regretful that Rep. McKinley would give them this early campaign gift.”
