Jim Martin: “Most Americans oppose Obmacare, are a majority of Americans ‘the enemy’?”
(Alexandria, Virginia) – Appearing before Al Sharpton’s American Action Network last week, Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sibelius gave a campaign speech supporting President Obama’s health care law, telling the gathering, “The enemy is at the door and we know that they would like to dismantle these initiatives,” prompting a response from 60 Plus Chairman Jim Martin, leader of the nation’s largest conservative seniors organization with over 7.1 million senior supporters.
“This is truly shameful, a sitting cabinet secretary giving a politically divisive campaign speech and calling the majority of Americans who oppose Obamacare ‘the enemy.’ Has this Administration learned nothing from the 2010 elections, when a senior tsunami swept them out of power in Congress because America’s elderly did not want liberal politicians redesigning and running their personal health care?
“Ms. Sibelius owes the American people an apology, both for her divisive rhetoric and for using her esteemed position as a cabinet secretary to give a craven political speech to Democrat activists. If she wants to be a partisan mouthpiece for the Obama campaign, she ought to resign from her post and let the DNC pay her salary and give the American taxpayers a break.
“If there is an enemy, it is an Administration and political party that rammed a 2,700 page bill through Congress that a solid majority of Americans opposed and nobody bothered to read. If there is an ‘enemy’ in this debate it is the theft of the peoples’ liberty, personified by politicians and bureaucrats in Washington forcing us to comply with a law we do not want, and which will cause immeasurable damage to our health care system, damage we are already witnessing today.
“I have news for Secretary Sibelius, your so-called ‘enemies’ are coming to vote this November, and we will remember your actions, and remember your insults when we cast our votes at the ballot box. The American people deserve better than this.”